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The Bz-metru Story Chapter 14



14th Chapter

Time is that quality of nature which keeps events from happening all at once. Lately it doesn't seem to be working.



Two days after the previous chapter.


“Come on Swert, side with us.”


Bfahome stood in President Swert’s office in Bionicle Sector 1, a separate country from BZ-Metru and the BZR. Bfahome and Rocco, who was sitting in the waiting room outside, were there trying to convince Swert to side with Ninjo. BS01 was known for it’s weapons manufacturing.


“No!” said Swert, slamming his fist down on his desk. “I know the truth about what’s been going on. I know that Dimensioneer is the real mastermind of this plan. I know what you’re ultimate goal is. I know.”


Bfahome’s eyes widened. “How… how could you possible know?”


“I have a source.”




“Why should I tell you?”


“Why haven’t you told Six about it yet?”


“Because I can use it to blackmail you. As long as I know all about your plan, I have you in the palm of my hand.”


Bfahome leaned over Swert’s desk, took a knife from his coat, and held it to Swert’s neck. “You seem to have forgotten that I could kill you to stop you from blackmailing us.”


“How did you get that through security?”


Bfahome smiled. “Easily. I killed the security officer with it.”


Swert gulped. “Fine. I’ll do whatever you want. Just don’t kill me.”


Seconds after Swert said those words, Bfahome stabbed him in the neck. Swert died instantly and crumpled off his chair.


“Sadly, I had to kill you, because Ninjo wouldn’t like anyone running around with information about him. Sorry, coward.”


Bfahome sat down in Swert’s chair, kicking the body out of the way. He pressed the button on the intercom.


“Rocco, come in here and kill anyone else in the waiting room.”


There was the sound of several screams and several gunshots. Rocco came into the office, a warm gun in his hand.


“Only the secretary, no one else. Did Swert agree?”


“You could say that,” said Bfahome, glancing down at the body. “As of this moment BS01 is a BZR territory. I have to go talk to Ninjo. I want you to send a message to every weapons manufacturer in BS01, telling them to ship everything they have to BBC. When you’re done with that, search this room for the names of anyone who works for us. We have a spy in our ranks who must be found.”



The server was what kept BZ-Metru and the BZR running. It generated power for both cities, making sure they were both running 24 hours a day. When war had been declared, Ninjo and Six had both reluctantly decided to leave the server alone and let it continue to generate power for both BZ-Metru and the BZR.


It was housed in a large cavern in the middle of a network of tunnels that ran underneath the city. This particular cavern was directly underneath the Admin’s Palace, and could only be reached from an elevator. This was because all of the other tunnels leading to the cavern had been blocked off, because Six feared a sneak attack from Ninjo.


Dimensioneer stood in the cavern admiring the server. Soon all that power will be mine. All mine.


He then started to change the server’s wiring, an act that if done wrong would destroy the forum. But Dimensioneer knew exactly how work with the intricate wires, moving them around gently.


It’s only a matter of time now, he thought as he put the steel casing back on the server.



Nikira and Rayg sat in a prison cell somewhere in the BBC forum. The last few days had been a blur to them, as they had been transferred from Artwork to Software to BBC. They hadn’t had any sleep, and both weren’t sure what would happen to them next.


“A fine mess we’ve gotten ourselves into now, huh Nikki?” said Rayg, sitting on a board that was supposed to be a bed.


“I didn’t want to side with Six anyway. I wanted to go with Ninjo,” replied Nikki, who stood by the door of the cell.


“Well, that’s how it goes sometimes. I was undecided, I don’t care much for either of them. At least you didn’t try to argue with Pohauki, like SPIRIT did. Ugh, that was a terrible way to go,” Rayg said, shuddering.


Mezzilak, the captain of the prison guard, approached the cell with several other guards. He started opening the door.


“What are you doing?” asked Rayg, standing up.


“Bfahome ordered you both to be executed at dawn with the other FAs of Artwork. It’s dawn. So, you die.”


“What?” yelled Rayg.


“No!” shrieked Nikira. “Listen, I’ll do anything you want, anything! Just don’t kill me, please!”


“I suppose Mahalis can use you for something. But your friend here goes.”


“Wait, what?” said Rayg, fear on his face. “What authority do you have to say that?”


“I just happen to be the captain of the guard, scum,” said Mezzilak smugly. “I can do what I want with prisoners, even if it goes against Bfahome’s orders. Besides, I like her. It would be a pity for something so pretty to die.


The other guards grabbed Rayg and started to drag him away. Nikira watched them leave from the cell, smiling.


“Goodbye, Rayg. I never did like you.”


Review Topic.



Sorry if it seems a little week, but I needed that last part and the first part and the middle part and they didn't seem like they would go well as their own chapters, so I combined them.


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