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The Battle Still Drudges On...



The Necrons marched on through the city, the tightened alleyways honing the warriors' firepower and minimizing the chances of full-out Tyranid assaults. The Wraiths zipping through the very foundations of buildings guarenteed this, snagging the genestealers that did not keep a respectful distance from the ancient death-bringers.


Even the Tyranid's massive Carnifex could not match the firepower of the Necrons' Destroyers, hitting the ground dead before it could even land a hit as it charged into their ranks. Even the few Pariahs proved their worth, meeting a full charge head on and downing many genestealers in the intial assualt.


High above the thundering clouds, Hivefleet Blizzard ships found themselves hammered by the ponderous forms of invading Necron tombships.


As the Flayed Ones finally uprooted themselves from the shattered asphalt in the drenched streets behind the last line of Tyranids, it was only a question of how much damage the ravenous monsters could deal to their betters before the battle finished.




Casualties so far


Xar: Too many.

Ka: 7 Warriors.


Just a few more turns to go.


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