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Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


I'm being hunted by wolves. My food is all gone. Tax collectors took all my money. My house blew away in a tornado. My belongings were taken away and sold in an attempt to pay off my vast credit card debt. The only clothes I own in the world are the ones on my back. All my friends moved to Australia. My TV broke ten years ago. I no longer have internet connection.


But I've got all the cucumbers I can carry.





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Interesting. I'm most interested, though, in how you're posting this. Could you teach me how? :P I mean, like, you should make a blog entry on it or something. :P

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Hey! The wolves are cool! And they don't hunt just anyone, you must have done something to upset them... Ehh... those darn tax colectors... Is one of the named Matthew? I thought he quit doing that quite some time ago... like... two thousand years ago... :P And... "all the cucumbers you can carry" includes Larry, does it not? Whoa:


My belongings were taken away and sold in an attempt to pay off my vast credit card debt

Does that include your computer? I want to learn how to post in Bzpower without a computer or an internet conection! Will you teach me? :lol:

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OMG are you okay

Yeah. This is actually one of my good days...


So, all in all, a good day?

You've got it. You should have seen what happened yesterday. In comparison, this is fantastic.


Wow! You're posting without an Internet connection! Can you teach me how to do that?

then How are you posting this?

Maan, I wish I could get on the internet with no internet connection.

Interesting. I'm most interested, though, in how you're posting this. Could you teach me how? I mean, like, you should make a blog entry on it or something.

Does that include your computer? I want to learn how to post in Bzpower without a computer or an internet conection! Will you teach me?

I answered all of you in one shot in the above entry.


And ~Po~, yes, his name is Matthew. :P




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Funny thing, our internet is down too. I'm posting this on my porch with a laptop using my friendly neighbor's wireless. At least there are no wolves.


(Hears howling in distance) :o :o :o

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What?!? Cucumbers?! I mean, you hate cucumbers, don't you? Escpecially that one with plungers for ears.

Yep, you got that right!


LarryBoy: Hey! :o


Funny thing, our internet is down too. I'm posting this on my porch with a laptop using my friendly neighbor's wireless. At least there are no wolves.


(Hears howling in distance)

What a weird coincidence!


Look out, it a w...too late.





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Interesting. I'm most interested, though, in how you're posting this. Could you teach me how? :P I mean, like, you should make a blog entry on it or something. :P


You asked for it.

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