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Excel Saga



First off, I make this promise to myself:


I am NOT going to watch another episode until I get these first four college apps done.


Now, for the hard part... willpower...


So basically I've heard Excel Saga mentioned several places so I looked it up and read the basic premise and it sounded really funny so today I finally decided to satisfy my curiosity and watched the first episode.


It was hilarious.


And weird.


Mostly hilarious.


I read that the English dub actress for Excel strained her vocal cords doing the role and had to be replaced partway through. Now, at first I was like, "Well, she's talking fast but not that fast," but then it came to the preview for the next episode and I'm like "HOLYCOWSLOWDOWNICAN'TREADTHESUBTITLES." Yeah. So now I'm impressed.


Anyway, the first scenes actually looked really familiar but I dunno why. Like especially the green truck with the Excel-shaped hole in the front and the scene in the ambulance where it's like "Oh no! Her life's flashing before her eyes! That can't be good!" (really funny scene, too. Breaking/toying with the fourth wall ftw). I mighta seen part of the dub before on TV just in passing, but I dunno...


Oh, and poor Pedro... poor, poor Pedro... =(


Oh and I loved the way angel-Excel dealt with devil-Excel... and then how she got arrested afterwards for it. XD So random.


Anyway eventually I'm probably gonna have to create a new blog category for anime. Although I mighta misplaced the .psd file with the sidebar graphics in it... <<;;


Speaking of anime, Gurren Lagann Parallel Works 8 was epic! And I think half (probably more) of the references in the Lucky Star OVA went right over my head. And I can't wait until I, um... *cough* get a chance to see the GL movie...


When I eventually do have the time to finish Excel Saga it's gonna bring my completed series count up to 6... dunno if that's a low, modest, or high number for three months.




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The one with Lord Genome's past.


Hime you have to realize I have no idea what you just said, or even which show you were referring to. :P


*looks up*


Tonzura... escape/fleeing.


'Koite' not found.


Stupid dictionary. >>


Wait is the "te" one of those suffix thingummies? 'Cause that makes koi... love?


Wild guess but is that from Excel Saga's theme song?


One of these days I'm going to learn passable basic Japanese... one of these days...

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So wait, is it like, an OVA or something?


And is Excel good enough to torrent?


I've been looking for good anime lately- I found Soul Eater but my torrents are messed up, and I can barely watch it ><

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Watched a few episodes.

It's like Bo-Bo bo.


Except a lot maturer.

And weirder.

And sicker.


Pegasus: "I learned that trick after watching Excel Saga!"


[-The Alchemyst-]

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So wait, is it like, an OVA or something?


Basically, their short movies about TTGL as a form of fanservice before the movie is released. They're not important to the series or the movie except for PW 8 which deals with Lord Genome's part in the Spiral War. Basically just promos, I guess.


Here's Wiki's definition.

In conjunction with the release of the movie, Gainax has released series of music videos entitled Gurren Lagann Parallel Works which contains alternative stories of Gurren Lagann set to songs from the original soundtrack.[1] Eight videos have been released as of September 14, 2008.



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