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I was watching a show (Trinity Blood) and at this one part there's this little Vampire who got... slightly shot by an oversized tank, and a little Terran (Human) girl trying to make this Vamp (Who had to deliver a message to a certain somebody for the Empress) feel better.


Then here comes Mr. Nightroad who goes all Crusnik and totally owns Mr. Tank and three battle ships.


I laughed at three parts, the first was when Nightroad as a Crusnik said


"You're... my food. I eat you now." and then when Mr. Tank shot him and he lost his arm. I laughed at the last one as he looked ridiculous missing an arm, and he was smiling about it too... here's the part I'm rather disturbed with while I was smiling, it didn't kill the happy mood I was in and it should've.


Weeelllll you wouldn't get it if I just said it in short as quite frankly you have to know the story to feel the sympathy towards a character (The little vamp got shot, best friend tried to kill him twice, went from human hater to tolerant, made a human friend who is a companion of Nightroad, and was going to deliver his all important message)


Nightroad incinerated his food (best friend Tankman Vampy) and so moved on to little vamp. He nearly ate the guy when the little girl known as Esther shouted at him, and realizing what he had been about to do started screaming... I think it was sad, but he sounded really ticked ._.


Aaaaannnnnnddd instead of making me feel sad for short vamp and his best friend, it made me feel... happier.


Which is why I believe I need some help. *Stabs the nearest therapist*


Oh, annnnnd I'm going to the docy tomorrow for a physical thingy checkup. Apparently people are unsettled with me being sick at times... peculiar times... and the fact it happened recently... along with the fact it hasn't happened for the last five, six or seven years *is too lazy to remember exactly*


Hmm... I wonder if he'll ask what my favorite thing to do is...


"What do you like to do?"


"Blow stuff up and write."


"Blow what up?"


"Food in the microwave."


"Ahmm... what you like to write about?"


"Fancy pancy people who get blowed up."


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