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I Have No Life



EDIT: Oops. I forgot to publish this yesterday.... ><


It's 8:00 in the morning (a summer morning, out of all things), and do you know where I am?


BZP. A duh. :P


Yeah, I have no life until second week of July. My grandma's turning 80 today, so my mom's not here (left on Tuesday to go see my grandma) and the house is kinda...I dunno, under a lot of stress without her...


My dad's got a bunch planned, however. ^^


Thursday (today), we're gonna quickly drive over to Blcokbuster and pick up X-Men and X-Men 2 (which I have never seen either of :ohmy: ) Then we have dentist appointments from 2:00 to at least 4:00. I'm guessing that we'll come home and watch X-Men for the rest of the afternoon.


Friday: This is the only not-really-fun day. My sister's got an orientation meeting at the state zoo at 9:00 in the morning, and we'll be spending the majority of the day doing housework. Whoo.


Saturday: Got cartoons in the morning (Tmnt and Sonic ^^), then it's off to the Science Imposium over in Columbus, OH (couple hours driving, but oh well), to see a Star Wars exhibit they have there. Then we'll come back, stay at home for about a half-hour, then go see CARS at...one of the theaters aorund our house. Later in the evening, one of my friends has his graduation open house, so we'll be going to that, too.


Sunday: Same busy routine we always do - We all go to church, I head to choir, my siblings head to Sunday School, my dad heads for the Children's wing (he be the pastor for the kids). We stay in our respective places from 8:40 to 10:20 (except me - I leave choir around 9:15 to go to Sunday School). At 10:20, the cycle starts a different way - I go bak to choir :P, my sister and brother both go over to Children's wing to help sing, and at 10:45, I go over to Children's wing to teach 2nd and 3rd graders. That goes 'till 12:00. My sis has a church camp meeting after service until 2:30. Then we leave. Then we eat. Then we go home, change, and turn around and go back, cause my sis has a VBS Worship practice. After that's done, we go to evening service until 7:00, then we leave, get home at 7:45 - 8:00, do what household chores we can until dark, then watch TV for about a half-hour and go to bed.


Yay for the Sundays of a Pastor's Kid! :D


Monday: Rather boring day. My sis leaves for camp at 7:30 am. LARGE SPAN OF TIME, in which we will do more chores and housecleaning. I have drama practice at 6:00, and my brother and one of my best friends have Boy Scout Court of Honor the same time. I wanna see my bro get First Class... ;_; Nother large span of time until we go to bed.


Tuesday: We will be SCOWERING THE HOUSE ALL DAY. That's all I know.


And then my mom comes back Tuesday evening, and sanity will be restored. Then I can worry about my AC11 entry in the polls next Saturday. :lol:




Recommended Comments

Well your life is much more facinating than my'n. :P Our family is always in choas.


I have seen X-Men 2, I probably wont get to see the other 2 though, my dad doesn't like them. (He doesn't like ANY movies it seems)


We're suppose to go see Cars for my brother birthday, but we're on a trip so its going to be hard. I haven't seen a movie since Narnia, and that was last December.


Well I believe I have bothered you enough. :P Goodluck also on yer entry!

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