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Taking Pictures

Dr. Keerakh


I'm getting kind of fed up with blurry, bright closeups of MOCs, so here's some tips:


MACRO: It's usually a small button on the back represented by a flower. If you have a smaller MOC that required getting kind of close to get good detail, or just want to get a close-up, use it. It brings close objects into sharp focus with the push of a button.


TRIPOD: If you have one, by all means use it. Tripods will make very clear, non-blurry shots. This means that you don't have to use flash to capture crisp images anymore.


LIGHTING: Lighting is everything. Never use flash inside. Ever. If you have a tripod and good light sources, you can take pics inside. But sunlight is always the best, most natural source of light you can use. Compare this to this. Both were taken with a tripod. But the first was taken inside with an artificial light source, while the second was taken outside. Also, you don't need a tripod outside because if the sun is bright enough, you can use flash to get clear images and the glare won't show up. I would recommend doing this when the sun is bright in the sky. As the light fades, flash will be more noticeable on the MOC.


RESIZING: I don't care what excuse you have, I have no respect for a MOCist that can't even be bothered to size their image down any. I'm sick of seeing images that have been automatically resized to like 30%. You just come across as lazy and inexperienced to me, and if, as DV has said, it takes more than five seconds to load, I won't bother. You can resize images in Paint and in Picture Manager, so there's no excuse.


Those are things, that, if everyone followed, would make me and many other members happy. PLEASE, try to do your best when taking pics of MOCs and sets. You will probably get more and better reviews if you actually give us something nice to look at.


Make sure to check out the Photographing Lego Models topic in LGD, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. :)


-Dr. K

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I totally agree. That's what I try to tell everyone: No flash, outside, tripod, and resizing.


I use that flower button often too, I just never remember to mention it to other people.



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