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Are You Ready For Some Football, Part I Lost Count

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


Three points from my first Monday Night Football experience:


1. Ed Hochuli needs to forfeit his white cap. Come on. If that face mask were any more blatant, the helmet would be facing the shoulder. And the "fumble that I'm calling not-a-fumble," please stop rewriting the rule book, oh ye of many words and massive bicep. And none of this patronizing "make up call" business, either. If you're going to jam a team, jam them both halves of the game. Be consistent.


2. Reggie Bush is all that, a bag of chips, and 2 large sodas. Reggie Bush has 3 punt returns for touchdowns in his career, and Amanda & I have gotten to witness all 3 in person. He has officially made the 2005 season worthwhile. Just so long as we find a new feature back in the off-season, because it is so beautiful to see him operate in space.


3. I know how a Bills fan feels now. Scott Norwood, meet Martin Grammatica.



-KIE, past his bedtime.


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Dude, I know what you mean about the refs. Hochuli was making such bad calls last night (and all season). Between the facemask and the fumble it was pretty bad. At least that incomplete pass right after the facemask was correctly called after being reviewed.


A couple of those calls definitely affected the flow of the game, but so did the Saints and their massive amount of penalties: false starts and holdings galore!

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...A couple of those calls definitely affected the flow of the game, but so did the Saints and their massive amount of penalties: false starts and holdings galore!

This is why, although we, Who Dat Nation, are livid at the perceived ineptitude, we do not hold Hochuli responsible for the loss. That responsibility is shared by Messrs. Grammatica & Kaseviharn.

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