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Football Season? But Baseball's Not Over!



In the time I've been writing entries here in the Haven, you've probably noticed that I haven't said much about sports. In the past few years, some have probably come to know me as a pretty dedicated Twins fan. So, with football season right around the corner (as the Vikings don't play until tomorrow), it shouldn't be shocking that my focus is still on the MLB.


And why is that? Well, because in the past few months, the Minnesota Twins have been on fire. And not the bad kind of fire that burns and causes suffering (you know, the Kyle Lohse kind), but the good kind that involves wins and lots of pretty runs.


What seemed impossible back in April and May has now become a surprising possibility. The Twins are in the playoff hunt, and are currently controlling their own destiny at the moment. To paint a more accurate picture of the complete 180 that they pulled, take a look at this graphic:



I figured June 17th would be a good date to use as a starting point, since it was also the first day I started blogging. On the right is the standings as of the end of today's games. The Twins have surged to within striking distance of the Divison Title, and are currently in the driver's seat of the Wild Card. I don't know what to expect in the next few weeks. Detroit and Chicago still have four games left against each other, while the Twins play Chicago in the final three games of the year. This adds up to create one heck of a conclusion to what originally was a yawner of a season.


Can Joe Mauer finish the season as the league's leading hitter, or will Derek Jeter's recent streak be enough to put him at the top? Will Johan Santana claim his second Cy Young award? Who is going to be the league MVP...Jermaine Dye, Justin Morneau?


There are a ton of stories building up, and though I may not like how things wind up in October...I'm still going to thank the team for putting on a show in the closing months of what started as a fiasco.


Go Twins!


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The Twins have been simply amazing in this surge they've had. They deserve all the credit in the world for it.

Lets go Yankees, lets go! *clap clap*

Booooooo. :P

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Lets go Yankees, lets go! *clap clap*

The way things are going, the AL Wild Card will come from the Central. Which means Chicago or the Twins will most likely be playing the Yankees in the first round.


Which will make things most interesting come blog time ;)

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