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Epic. Apocalyptic. Dream.

Boogie Monsta


Yup, the Zealot had another dream. Here 'tis, it's even longer than the other. And more epic.


This one happens all at the state fair, although it looks nothing like the state fair did. There was a dock, like the kind they park battleships at, a stadium worthy of a sports team, and lotsa random houses and lodges (one of them was my house). Anyway, our roboticspeeps was going, like it was in real life, but the only ones who were going were me, Mom, Mrs. T (the lady who runs it, she's blonde, no idea her age, and she redefines multitasking), Ben (Cuban, machinist, black hair and scraggly beard), Jay (really tall, blonde hair that's cut really short), and Julia (blonde also, hair in a ponytail, hard worker. Also this fat guy (like the size of a monster truck) I don't recognize. So, we got there, brought everything to the stadium, where stuff was going on. I guess we had other people driving, because I was condemned to watching from the stands. When it was time to pack up for that day, I realized that I'd left my Driven Under (by Seether) mp3 (mp3s look like pencil sharpeners) at my seat. When I went back, Mrs. T and this guy Nate who helped us out some were still there, talking about something. I left, and helped load everything into the car, then we all went to a water park, that was somehow inside the fair as well. So we were all there, at this HUGE pool, like twice as big as a normal wave pool, just sitting on the side, (there wasn't a soul actually in the pool). So we hear this rumbling noise, and near the pool is a roller coaster track, and the train is going by. Suddenly all the huge beach umbrellas beside the pool started closing by themselves, so we went to ask the lifeguard what was happening, and he said there was thunder. So, grumbling, we all got out and headed back to the van (sky blue '05 Honda Odyssey). Ben didn't follow, so I asked him what was going on. He said something about the sun, and the sky started getting dark. Anyways, I went back to my house and took a shower. I remember I poured some soap/shampoo down the drain. Anyways, as I finish drying (my clothes magically appear on), Jay bolts in saying the world is ending. I run outside to find the sky dark and red. Jay, of course, has a plan to save everything, which involves enlarging a huge sheet of paper. I did that, while he and Julia tried to find out who was responsible. It took forever, so finally I just looked up in a book how to summon Chuck Norris, which I did. I found Jay and Julia and told them, and Jay got angry that I hadn't done the paper, and meteors started falling. I saw Ben standing there, laughing maniacally about the sun returning to the before-time or something like that. So we three (Me, Jay, and Julia) sat on the front porch of a lodge (like the ones at my retreat) and watched the meteors fall. Just then the time for when the world would end was up, but it hadn't exploded yet, and Ben was bewildered. He said something about shampoo. Instantly we all ran into the bathroom and started pouring shampoo and soap down the drain. As we did it got lighter, and the meteors stopped falling. We ran back outside to see Ben shouting 'NOOOO!' to the sky in true final boss fashion, before disappearing. So we all went down to the dock to celebrate (there were picnic shelters there), and we found a bunch of other people, all happy and all. So I found my old friend Sun said Hi to her, and then I was talking to Julia (I remember that in the background, some random dude drove a giant rolling toolbox off the dock into the water, it somehow floated.) when Dad came in to wake me up.


Good luck, Tom.


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I'm going to estimate that the tool-box driving guy is me. :P


Of good or bad, I cannot make an omen from this...I would say good, since you stopped the apocalypse, but......something in it distracts me from saying so...

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That. Was. Awesome. XD


I wish I had dreams as epic as that, the shampoo solution was hilarious.


I once dreamed I had an epic robo-mecha fight on rooftops against evil superhumans once, though, but it didn't last long. =P


~ :a: :t:

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