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Boy Scouts



So, I've realized that I don't have many blog posts under my section "Boy Scouts."

So, here's one.


I myself am a Boy Scout. I am part of the National Capital Area Council (NCAC, Washington DC)

My troop # is 875. I went to the 2005 National Scout Jamboree and my troop # was 520. That was a great time, the Jambo. I got a red Yoda patch, the X-men back patch, and the spam patch, if you know what I'm talking about, just to name a few of my collection of over 2 dozen.

BZPers I met at the Jambo:


Bionicle Master the Mighty, now known as ChrisKopaka (check out his blog!)


Currently I'm a Life scout, working on my Eagle badge. I have a couple half merit badges and my Eagle project to get done, and I'm done.

I am Assistant Senior Patrol Leader for my troop, but have been nominated and went running for Senior Patrol Leader twice. I was also Head Guide, guide, Patrol Leader, and Assistand Patrol Leader.

Oh, I'm 16, so that helps put some things into perspective.


My troop goes camping a lot. Once every month Sept to May. Biking, Hiking, Rock climbing, caving, wilderness survival, cooking, shooting sports, canoeing, and more! It's a blast. I love camping, even if I am allergic to pollen and practically camping. Fire!

Oh, yeah, Fire. It's big with every Boy Scout. It's part of out DNA. My troop made a 14 foot tall campfire once. Staff got marshmellows and had to use a 6 foot long stick just to heat up the marshmellows!


A scout is...Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obediant, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverent, Hungry, a pyro, and Duct tape.

Oh, Duct tape. That's saved for another blog entry....


So, yeah. Please don't ignore this if you are a scout too, and please post. Anyone else, well, you can still make coments about how much you love the BSA or whatever you feel like in this blog.



Soon to be Eagle,

-CF :usa:


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Cool! I myself haven't chosen to do scouts, but my friends that do it say it's incredible fun. Well, you go and enjoy yourself, and don't set squirrels on fire. While it's fun, they'll seek revenge on you.

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Cool. I never got to do scouts. Sometimes I wish I did, but now I don't care. I mainly wanted to for the Pine-Wood Derby. One of my friends won for, like the county-wide race.


And another one of my friends just became an Eagle Scout a few months ago. I think he was the Second youngest one in the U.S...



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I'm a scout.

I just got the star rank not to lon ago.

My troop goes camping alot to. Every month of the year.

Oh and I'm in the OA. Fun stuff right there.



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