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Weekly Update - 10/10

Black Six



So, today is Friday, and that means it's time for another Weekly Update. What's been updated, you ask? Well there's only one way to find out...



And the answer is, not a huge amount. Sorry to disappoint yet again.


There have been some interesting story updates recently, with a new video appearing as well as the music video for this year's song. I personally found some of the comments about Cryoshell's lead singer odd, considering there weren't very many good shots of her in the video to base opinions on, but that's just me. Back to where we were, the story's wrapping up quickly, and soon everyone will be discussing 2009 and whatever changes it holds.


As has been the norm for the past couple weeks, you can hopefully expect at least one set review this weekend, with some really AMAZING photographs. Someone knows what they're doing. :P


On a related note, I hope to get our pictures from BrickFair up this weekend too. Yes, that's right, BrickFAIR, not BrickCon. I realize the event was well over a month ago. The other reporter Andrew (Smeagol4) had been working on a long and detailed story, but his computer recently suffered a catastrophic failure, so you're going to end up with a picture gallery and a few comments. Sorry about the huge delay. (You'll get to see more apologies once it's actually posted.)


Speaking of delays, post ranks are progressing, slowly. I hope to have them up at some point, because they're really awesome and I'd feel really bad about hyping them up and then not delivering.


Yeah, so I think that's about it.



I'm just wondering, what happened to blog of the week?

We had about 60 of them, and it got to the point where we were running out of blogs to showcase, so the project was ended. The blog team has been working on something kind of similar, but not really, and will release it eventually.


1. What is your favorite Star Wars film? (including the Clone Wars)

2. How did you become a staff member in four days?

3. Who (or what) is your favorite BIONICLE character?

4. What is your favorite forum here?

1. The Empire Strikes Back

2. Right place at the right time (or wrong place at the wrong time, depending on how you look at it).

3. Tahu

4. I've always been a Moderator/Forum Leader of RPG, so I'll go with that.


Hey B6, just had a few questions for your blog.


1)Do you have an email account?

1a)If so what?(I understand if you don't want to give it out)


2)What's your favorite fruit?


3)Do you prefer soda or lemonade?


4)Do you have any brothers or sisters?


5)What's your favorite color?



1) Email? Who uses that?

1a) andrew@bzpower.com

2) Bartlett Pears

3) Lemonade

4) Nope

5) Blue, no yellllooowwwww...

No, really, it's blue.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Thanks for reading, please leave feedback and comments of what you'd like to see me talk about. Don't forget to check back next week!


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5) Blue, no yellllooowwwww...

No, really, it's blue.


I lol'd. :P


Glad to hear there's progress (even if slow) with the new rank images. :)

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Do you know when the BrickCON event coverage will be up? I posted some pictures and my report to Roa, but I understand she may be waiting for more.

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As has been the norm for the past couple weeks, you can hopefully expect at least one set review this weekend, with some really AMAZING photographs. Someone knows what they're doing. :P

I had no idea you were talking about my Gavla review, haha!

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On a related note, I hope to get our pictures from BrickFair up this weekend too. Yes, that's right, BrickFAIR, not BrickCon. I realize the event was well over a month ago. The other reporter Andrew (Smeagol4) had been working on a long and detailed story, but his computer recently suffered a catastrophic failure, so you're going to end up with a picture gallery and a few comments. Sorry about the huge delay. (You'll get to see more apologies once it's actually posted.)

Since Smeag got back up and running this weekend I've put off doing this. Hopefully he'll be able to get up his own coverage soon.

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