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I'm In Big Trouble!



My profile views number starts with 13! This can only be bad! Someone help me change this! :P


Anyway onto serious news, I finished Crysis Warhead and I was wondering if anyone who has it wanted to play me in Crysis Wars?


Other than that, I'm going to start rereading the Bionicle books in preparation for Bionicle Legends#11 which should arrive sometime in November. I sure hope it lives up to expectations.... So far this year has felt a tad bit rushed, probably as a result of the changed book schedule. It seems that Greg is putting more emphasis on non-book story telling and for the first time in a while, I have enjoyed the comics more than the books (books are still great though, don't get me wrong). Then again, this is like the first time in five years that I've actually been able to own the comics, so I might be a bit biased. :P


That's all!






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It's 23, not 13. There is nothing wrong with 13. Well, except for the fact that 13 + 10 = 23...



13 was 23 back in the day.


And 6 was the 13 back in the way day....



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It find it unfortunate that you lack approval seals, even after your utter popularity around the site.




Does this mean I win something? :D


Well, this is today.




No, you're wrong.


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