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Words that end in vowels are just more dramatic.


Perhaps because you can't really do a long drawn-out consonant. You can scream "NOOOOOOOOO!" or "WHYYYYYYY!" or "CURSE YOUUUUUU!" because they end in vowels (or vowel sounds). I suppose you can also do "COME BAAAAAAAACK" but it's just the -ck at the end sorta disrupts the effect of the "AAAAAAAAA," if you know what I mean. It's harsh and abrupt.


This actually popped into my head while I was considering why I thought Makuta was a better name for the ultimate villain than Teridax. Though what brought about the revelation was actually my thoughts wandering to how they were gonna handle episode 27 of TTGL in the Sci-Fi channel dub. You know, "Lagann... IMPACTO!" It's not even particularly drawn out. But it's just harder to imagine it having the same effect as "impact" with the "-ct" cutting off the vowel.


... so yeah. That's basically all I wanted to say.




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Sci-fi channel dub, huh? I looked it up on the Video Website, could only stomach the voices for about a minute. Kamina's voice... just not manly enough. Not nearly.


And why do they call Simon "see-mone"? It's an English name that's mispronounced in the original Japanese, why in God's name would they keep it that way in the English dub?!


Although Yoko's voice is OK.

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And why do they call Simon "see-mone"? It's an English name that's mispronounced in the original Japanese, why in God's name would they keep it that way in the English dub?!

Maybe it's a Spanish Simon.



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And why do they call Simon "see-mone"? It's an English name that's mispronounced in the original Japanese, why in God's name would they keep it that way in the English dub?!

Probably partly "staying true to the original" and partly because of this:

Simon's name comes from the Japanese word for "below" (下 shimo), tying in with a theme for most of the main characters to have names based around location, direction, or distance. This implies a bit of irony, as Simon controls the Gurren-Lagann from on top of the Gurren inside the Lagann, while Kamina, who is named after the Japanese word for "above" (上 kami) pilots it from underneath the Lagann inside the Gurren. The kanji for shimo and kami are nearly identical, except kami is vertically flipped.



I had a feeling someone would say that. :P


Now that I think about it it's only some consonant sounds that screw up a "dramatic vowel." Like c, k, ch, t, x, d. Others don't, like s, n, m, th, sh. You can hear the difference when you pronounce them out loud.


Funny, in my opinion, TTGL can make anyone feel manly.







It's also getting me through college apps since I've resolved not to get hooked on a new series until I'm done with all my applications. :P

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