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No-shave November

Watashi Wa


WHEN: Whole month of November, 2008.


WHO: Watashi Wa (John) and Than: Matoran of Anger (Nathan)


WHAT: Both John and Nathan have previously agreed to duel in a battle of wits and beards to see who can outlast the other in No-Shave November. Neither party can shave for the entire month, excluding the mustache area (agreed upon by both parties because mustaches are lame). Contestants will shave on October 31 and cannot shave until December 1. The lesser man will sport an epic FAIL avatar and signature which have yet to be designed.


Pictures will be taken each day of the month and posted in this blog as proof of each contestant's wit and manliness.


WHAT YOU CAN DO: Place your bets now on who you think is the manlier man!


Amendment #1: If both contestants survive the urge to shave throughout the month of November, both will post final pictures of his beard on December 1. A vote will be cast by anyone who so willingly decides to vote for their favorite manly beard.


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New Provision:


If we both make it through November without shaving, we will hold a vote for who has the best beard. Then, and only then, will it be decided.

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I'd have no problem surviving the month of November. I like looking as old as possible so I'd embrace the facial fur.


Unlike some of you. v_v



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Is this what you devise in your off-hours? O_o


Your avatar should be the Six Flags mascot; it doesn't much more "clean shaven" than that... plus no one really likes him, so that's torture there. :D


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

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