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So I biked all the way to the library today in the POUNDING SUN only to find out that the library was closed, which I SHOULD have remembered since I was told so last week... but I didn't... so I had to bike all the way back. In the sun. ><


Also while browsing random videos I discovered that parodying anything using Eva automatically makes it really disturbing. Like the Evangelion Christmas Special (Charlie Brown Christmas Special)... with Kaworu saying "Sure Charlie Brown, I can tell you what Christmas is all about." And then activating Nigoki and calmly descending towards Terminal Dogma while narrating the story of Christmas. Yeesh.


And also.


Accelerated constructions of Tokyo 3 and Central Dogma: 83.2 billions of dollars

Development, repair, and mass production of the Evangelions: 137.8 billions of dollars

Destroy mankind, and then change your mind: Priceless


That is so messed up, yet hilarious.


Oh, and Eva scenes set to the song of Sir Robin.


"Bravely bold Sir Robin rode forth from Camelot. [Eva launch]

He was not afraid to die, O brave Sir Robin. [shinji... yeah]

He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways, [JSSDF invades NERV]

Brave, [gunshot] brave, [gunshot] brave, [gunshot] brave [gunshot] Sir Robin! [gunshot]


He was not in the least bit scared [shinji's expression says otherwise] to be mashed into a pulp [vs. Sachiel],

Or to have his eyes gouged out [Nigoki, EoE] and his elbows broken, [vs. Sachiel, again]

To have his kneecaps split [not knees, or even legs actually... Asuka's arm, EoE] and his body burned away [Ramiel's beam, ep.5]

And his limbs all hacked and mangled [Nigoki, EoE], brave Sir Robin!


His head smashed in [Not sure... guessing this is Sangoki] and his heart cut out [berserk Shogoki, tearing apart Sachiel]

And his liver removed [shogoki absorbing S2] and his bowels unplugged [Nigoki, EoE. Again]

And his nostrils [and I should probably stop the lyrics here]"


Oh man there are so many of these... and they're all so screwed up and twisted... and it's so hilarious.



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