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Praising The Wrong People

Spoony Bard


Throughout the years, BZP has recieved a large number of pests and attacks from spammers. I'm talking about the kinds that make topics about stomach messages and that sort.


These members join for a day only to attack and spam on BZP. And that is only their purpose.


And yet we have long time members, some OBZPC, who give praise to these members and say things like:


"Your legend shall live on forever"

"You are famous!!"

"You are officially the best known member on BZPower"


Banned spammers do not deserve such praise. Would you praise terrorists for the things they do? Would you miss them when they are gone? I sure wouldn't, and I'm sure you wouldn't either. You wanna go praise spam and such while pretending to be mr. goody goody, do so somewhere else that appreciates it.


And to end this, the secret stomach message that everyone loves so much is no longer part of BZP, since I personally pruned it myself.




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A travesty. :o

Well, now there will be nothing to laugh about. :(

So that one topic contained all the humor on BZP?

Maybe, since there's absolutely nothing in the Comedy section that should be applied to the word 'funny'...

You obviously have never read Toast Busters by Takuma Nuva!


But any way, what exactly happened now?

all i got from that was that something about a stomach was deleted

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But any way, what exactly happened now?

all i got from that was that something about a stomach was deleted

There was a piece of spammy topic on the Board that did involve something about a stomach.

It was deleted, as will happen to many other obsolete and unnecessary items in the forums.



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The analogy is a bit too strong. If we had regular hack-attacks and DDoS attacks on here and what not then I'd maybe compare that to terrorism. Spammers are more like that guy in the park who's disturbing the peace by yelling random stuff and being all around creepy, the cops (staffers) usually get to him before he hurts anybody.


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If you just mean spammers I agree with you, praise your job on removing the stuff, and, much like Wrack, love you.


If you mean banned members in general I have a problem with your work.

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I wonder if those were meant in sarcasm. I found sarcasm hard to portray in words sometimes.


But, good on you to weed them disgusting weeds out. ;) Yay Omi!



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If you just mean spammers I agree with you, praise your job on removing the stuff, and, much like Wrack, love you.


If you mean banned members in general I have a problem with your work.

What part about "banned spammers" did you not understand?


And yes I am against praising of banned members as well.



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Huh, I thought by deleting all traces of the SSM, you included deleting those involved. My apologies, misunderstanding on my part.


But then, in that case, then, much like Wrack, I love you.

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It was spam, but you have to admit the sheer randomness was funny. :(



Not once did I ever think of it being funny.



Oh. Well, many other people did. I even asked you not to delete it. :(


At least I saved it in HTML format before it was erased. :D



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It was spam, but you have to admit the sheer randomness was funny. :(



Not once did I ever think of it being funny.



A lot of people wouldn't consider George Carlin to be funny, a lot of others would. Your opinion does not control or completely influence society. One man might find a joke to be hilarious while another finds it to be terribly offensive.


And comparing spammers to terrorists is a big leap.

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Your opinion does not control or completely influence society.

No but it will influence how things are run here on BZP. So if I say no spam, I will make sure it is carried out.

And comparing spammers to terrorists is a big leap.

They are one in the same, you just don't see it clearly. Terrorists blow things up to create chaos and disorder. Spammers spam up boards to create chaos and disorder.

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*Read every comment*


I thought I left one on this...


Well, I do agree with Omi and the collective staff in here that praising Spammers is a bad idea. It will entice them to continue and others to try it to go ahead and become "praised". Rule breaking in general shouldn't be laughed at anyway.


Although, praising banned members on BZP is unallowed, but if a member requested to be banned and was a great contributor and member in BZP society, I would praise that person if what I was doing called for it, offsite of course. (Because even if they requested to be banned, we still can't talk about banned members)

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You know, looking at this entire entry i gotta say:

Omi, you are starting to sound like Teridax

Im not saying the Spammers are in the right( They aren't)

But seriously, you sound like him

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A lot of people wouldn't consider George Carlin to be funny, a lot of others would. Your opinion does not control or completely influence society. One man might find a joke to be hilarious while another finds it to be terribly offensive.

I don't agree with everything George Carlin said, especially regarding God (I'm a Christian) but I do think he was very creative with his material, particularly with his opinions on common phrases and situations.



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It was spam, but you have to admit the sheer randomness was funny. :(



Not once did I ever think of it being funny.



Oh. Well, many other people did. I even asked you not to delete it. :(

I don't see how that would matter. It's pointless to keep it. It wasn't important to keep around, and it feel into the criteria of the forum pruning. It served no purpose still being around and just wastes space.

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I even asked you not to delete it. :(

I listen to requests, not demands. You demanded for it to be left alone.

My request


I like how I said "Please leave it alone" but you accuse me of "demanding." :)



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I even asked you not to delete it. :(

I listen to requests, not demands. You demanded for it to be left alone.

My request


I like how I said "Please leave it alone" but you accuse me of "demanding." :)



Lets look at the whole post.



I don't want to sound like I'm whining or complaining, but conner's topic is classic. Please leave it alone, if nothing else. What difference is one topic going to make on the server, anyway? At least 50 new topics are created each day.


~Sidorak The Hunter

First you start off with the "sarcastic" emote, so this just makes your "please" not even serious.


Then you go off to say how how you don't want to sound like your whining and complaining (and spamming in previous posts), but after your request was deleted like twice, it goes to show that your request was also denied by the admin. Topic states that if you want a topic kept, PM the Forum Leader. I am the Forum Leader of Q&A, and not once did you -ever- PM asking to keep it. I even replied to you in that topic saying you should, but you didn't. You want to make a request, PM me. Don't break the rule and post it.


Since your sarcastic emote just ruins the request altogether, you are just left with "leave it alone, if nothing else". I don't like spam, and I am certainly not leaving it alone. And since I said I was going to get rid of it before you made this post, you just had to complain about it and demand that it be left alone.


However if the emote wasn't used, I'd take the post as begging, considering you posted the request a few times and have it deleted by Black Six himself, then you go off and say it was spam when it was. I say I am going to delete it regardless, and you "ask" again.

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Dang, I just made a big post responding to yours, and the board ate it.


I commented on what you wrote, but that's not really important. Basically, I'm sorry this thing snowballed. Also I apologized in a later post in that topic.



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