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Bzp Blank



I just realized that I'm really dulling out on BZP. I have very little to do here anymore.


I have nothing to add in the library, as none of my stories are progressing. And all the stories that I regularly read are also stalled out.


The RPG I was in was closed down... and I'm really not into joining new RPGs... I only joined TOS because I already knew Kumata's backstory.


There's no new BBC contest, and I don't have any parts to MOC with anyway.


All I do in the forums is check on the official MLN topic (I got Rank 8, finally) and sometimes the news. Mostly, I hang out in blogs, but there's only so much you can comment on any single blog entry.


So, until I get a burst of creativity or creativity bursts out and tackles me, I'm afraid I'm getting bored of BZP. :o


Not the blogs... those are like a daily, constant thing. I mean the forum... where my post count is. Y'know, that kind of stuff.




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Perhaps it is time to create a new MoC?

Nope. Unlike CF, I brought two Toa Mata for display in my dorm... I have no other pieces to MOC with.


Blog posts go to your overall count, you know

They do?



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Same thing here, but now maybe that new Tohkann Animation/VAing will get me back into BZP.


No BBC contest for me, Not a lot of discussion, and posting a MOC here is...well...

Not very helpful, too say the least. >_<


I seriously wish that there were more people who can actually review helpfully.


[-The Alchemyst-]

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Perhaps you should take a break for a while. Maybe take a break for about a month and then come back and see if there is anything interesting.


Personally, I am not losing interest in BZP. I still have my comedy and epic and a host of other stories yet to be posted(Or written, for that matter). Plus, with 2008 coming to a close and the 2009 sets slowly being revealed, there is still plenty of things for me to discuss with my fellow BIONICLE fans :) .



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Perhaps it is time to create a new MoC?

Nope. Unlike CF, I brought two Toa Mata for display in my dorm... I have no other pieces to MOC with.


I realize why you didn't bring any MOCing peices. I have had no time to build while I am here. I'm still glad I brought them though. It lets me know I can build if I had time.

(I'm going to write a blog entry on this soon.)



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Blog posts go to your overall count, you know

They do?



I think they do. Hang on a moment, I had 8195 posts before I posted this, let me see what I have after...


EDIT: 8195 still. Guess they don't. My bad :(

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TPTI was wishful thinking for us all. :P


I know exactly what you mean. I have the same problem. *points to member group*

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