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Entry 74


*Cracks Knuckles* Alrighty, time to type something maybe one or two people will actually have the courage to read as I sum up the last two weeks.



Sunday October 5th


Funny stuff. I crammed in my homework after having Marching band practice yesterday, which wasn’t much fun but my solo is really improving. Well after I finished most of my homework (except for English) I was watching some TV. When I got a call from Kotahn. He misheard our cool dude English teacher and though the two stories we had to read (Po Poh Vu and Genesis) were in our small “interactive reader” and not in our big book. All in all he brought home the right book, and I had the one he needed, and since only living about not even a mile away he asked if I could come over and he could get the note to take. I figured since I hadn’t done the homework yet (ironically) that I would just come over and we could do them together. So once I met him halfway, between my house and his, we walked back up to his house and started the notes. Well the first story, Genesis, was a complete waste of time, since it sounded almost exactly like the last story, The Epic Of Gilgamesh. So me and Kothan just took notes and cracked some jokes about it here and there. Then we got to the “best” story of them all, Po Puh Vu, sigh what a book. It starts out explaining that first the earth was created as a giant barren wasteland and then God, and some other guy decided that they would create animals, then they tried to create humans. Well in the process of creating us they made Mudmen that completely fell apart and then they made woodpeople. Well neither of these creations were any good or close to humans, because they lacked, flesh, organs, and bodyparts, Remember that. Well in order to destroy them they sent out these Jaguars to basically eat their flesh, eyeballs, and drink their blood, which they supposedly Didn’t have, go figure. Then something about planters and they decided to make humans out of corn and that we would all come from corn seeds, and thus the four perfect humans were created. Jaguar of _____, Jaguar of _______, Not right now ( yes that was the actual name, Not Right Now.) and Jaguar of ______. The other blanks I don’t remember because I don’t have my book with me at the moment. Finally we finished the strange book and I was asked to stay for dinner. Then after I got home I was taking out the garbage and herd this werd sound, “quack” “quack” “honk” “quack” “honk” and for some reason I herd geese like two houses down, at like 10:00 PM, I have no idea and it was the strangest thing ever.


(fast forward Three days.)


Thursday October 9th


So today is thankfully a holiday from school and I get to sleep in. Then I went Ice skating, it was very fun, then I worked on some stuff for my blog.


Friday October 10th


For some lame reason we go to school for three days then have one day off (yesterday) then to come back to school for just one day (today) only to have two more days off (the weekend) LAME. Anyways I had lame school today, then I had Marching practice. We got two new songs today, Gimmie some lovin’ and our our new drill to the third movement (which we aren’t learning until next practice.)


Saturday October 11th


Today was my girlfriend, Sarah, surprise 16th birthday party. She was so clueless and thrown off it was so funny. First at around two she was dropped off at my house and she hung out until four, we pretty much played scrabble and played with my little sister, then her mom needed to pick her up because they were “meeting her grandma for dinner” but she needed to stop for gas first. As they made a stop for gas I raced over there and was ready for the surprise, she walked in the garage door and as greeted with a huge “SURPRISE” by about 20 people. Her face, Priceless. ^^ overall she had a great time and party, and she really enjoyed all her gifts. (I got her treble clef earrings to replace the ones she lost in a parking lot.)







Skip Sunday…


Monday October 13th


Today pretty much was terrible except for ONE thing. First there was a fire one city down so Simi Valley due to the winds got the ash and bad smell (and eventually the fires). Ugh, was terrible and I still had marching band practice on top of it, along with a lame orthodontist appointment. The only good thing our of it was that I got a B on my Algebra II test. Very nice.


Tuesday October 14th


Fires, smoky day at school, and flying helicopters…


Wednesday October 15th


It’s my girlfriend’s actual birthday today, and she was surprised with balloons and roses by yours truly. ^^ I think she could have done with out the lame PSAT today though, along with the entire rest of the Sophomore class. >< belch three hours of boredom. I had a freezing classroom, she was the German/Spanish teacher and she was way overly exaggerative. Some girl had her cell phone go off in her backpack (which we all had to put in the back of the room) and the person who called left a message so the phone would beep like every ten minutes not to mention the person calling three times didn’t help, but the teacher wouldn’t let her turn it off because she might “cheat” then have to be disqualified. Ugh! Lame, I knew the girl, she was in my English and Geometry class last year, I highly doubt she would have cheated. Oh well I just sat there hitting the number 5 button on my graphing calculator (since I don’t have any games on it sadly…) just to occupy me. Boring!


That’s all that’s happened over the past week, now I about to do my homework, and then work on my trumpet solo which is sounding sick and amazing, we have a football game to go to, but we have to be there at like 3:45, so I’m just going to stay at school, because one of the middle schools plays in the stands with us so they can see “how fun” marching band is, and hopefully they’ll join next year as a 9th grader. Then on Saturday we have our first competition at Royal, and I will wow the judges with my awesome solo in our second song, yea! Haha. ^^ Can’t wait.






Recommended Comments

That sounds like a wonderful week!


Mmph, if I wasn't tired, I would read it...*adds blog to favorites to read entry at later date*


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That sounds like a wonderful week!


Mmph, if I wasn't tired, I would read it...*adds blog to favorites to read entry at later date*



Haha! Nice. ^^




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I read through Tahuri's slab o' text, and all I got was this lousy T-shirt. :P


That is one of the funniest things I have ever heard on BZPower... Maybe it is because I am such a shirt enthusiast.


Skip Sunday... *Shudders*



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