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A Really Weird Dream



Last night I had a really weird dream... almost as odd as the reoccurring dream with the minotaur that I battle. Seriously, I have that dream like once a year... but this one woke me up at 5:00 AM in the morning. And cuz I was near my computer, I made a drafted blog entry with some of the details so I wouldn't forgot.


Please excuse the rambling in the next paragraph.


So, myself and several friends we riding along in a car. For some reason Joe Pesci was driving the car. And Pesci was dressed in a suit like he was in the movie 'My Cousin Vinny'. Anyway we were being chased by some sort of monster that was destroying the city we were in. And for some reason we decided do go to the bank. We all went into the vault but I was the only one who could get to the lock box, as you had to go down a ramp and them swim for a bit to get to the inner area. The who vault was designed like a maze for some reason. So, I get there and get a pendant of some sort, out of a box and leave. I return to where my friends and Joe Pesci are waiting. But for some reason I have to go back. (I don't remember why.) So I go swimming for the third time and get bit by a snake on my left foot. I think it started eating my foot...


And then I woke up. At 5:00 AM in the morning


I suck at swimming, why was it in my dream?

Why was the actor Joe Pesci there?


Yeah... it was freakier than my normal dreams. So, is anyone good at analyzing dreams here?




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This means you are related to Pesci and Phelps, that you are the Chosen One, and that you will be rich.


The monster means nothing, I'm afraid. :(



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The monster destroying the city could represent impending changes in the way we live, brought about by the economic crisis. :notsure:


<o> <o>

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This means you are related to Pesci and Phelps, that you are the Chosen One, and that you will be rich.


The monster means nothing, I'm afraid. :(



Interesting... I always wanted to be the Chosen Rich One.


It means you played too much Zelda that night.

I didn't play Zelda, I read the really awesome manga.


The monster destroying the city could represent impending changes in the way we live, brought about by the economic crisis. :notsure:


<o> <o>

That is really looking into it... still I have no idea as to why economics would get into my dreams.



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