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Blood Unit Part The Fourth



Blood Unit Part Four

(Rated PG-13)

The trip in the Pelican had been somewhat long to her, she hated heights yes, but had learned to get over it when inside a vehicle. The fact that a very trustworthy person was flying the thing helped with her inside worries. Upon being part of Blood Unit a few years back; she had to tell them all of this fear that she had kept secret for the majority of her life. It was a good thing for them to know as they always tried to help her out with it.

In her view; the Unit was like a family. They looked out for eachother, cared for eachother, joked with eachother, and yes, sometimes fought with eachother. Jack was considered to be leader of the team, but you could debate on some of his choices as he is human as well as Spartan; and humans make mistakes. Jake was just the oversized guy who was fun to be around when not trying to make something explode. Always laughing; even at the worst jokes, and always trying to make everyone smile. Jessica, when she had been alive that is, had always looked out for the welfare of the individuals. For Julie; Jessica had been more of a mentor as she had trained Julie a bit in hand to hand as Julie was rather weak in that department. The others viewed Julie as the "little sister" if they compared the Unit to a family. Everyone else would probably be like the "Big brother" or "Big sister" as they considered themselves equal with eachother, but some had to teach Julie certain things just so that she could fight outside of sniping.

Even the AI units got along much the same way the Spartans did. Overall the team was very cooperative with eachother, and when they had witnessed what happened to Jessica; as a whole they got furiated. Julie had teared up afterwards, but nobody knew of that as she liked to hide such things. That was when everyone was split up. They didn't use transmissions to tell eachother where they were because such things were monitored by the UNSC. What happened with Jake and Julie had been pure luck.

"You doing okay there?" Jake asked from the controls of the Pelican, of which was still a modded version.

"I'm doing fine." Julie responded knowing that the Spartan was referring to her fear of heights and wanted to make sure that she didn't feel naseous or anything. Cleaning up a mess inside the helmet like that was a pain, and disgusting.

"Good to hear it." Jake replied smiling kindly behind his helmet. The AI units had been quiet due to the fact neither had anything to really say, they were more just there for combat and when they thought they could be helpful, well currently there was no need to be helpful.

"Where are we headed?" she asked. At the moment she was in the "kettle" as some called it due to the fact it was a; metal walls, metal floor, metal cieling, rattled, and just reminded people of the cooking tool. This was where the soldiers would sit while waiting for a drop off.

"We're headed off of this planet, and back to another which was recently named 'Angelus Principatus'." that roughly translated into "Angel's Dominion" it was probably called that due to the fact that it was an elegant, and beatuiful land. Even with Jake residing there it stayed practically the same. If a battle broke out here between UNSC forces and the two Blood Unit members, well that fight may just tear the beauty away from the planet itself.

"I haven't heard of it." Julie responded trying to match the name with some form of familarity.

"It's a new found one, and had just recieved its name. Right now it is deserted for the thought of pirates, rebels, and fugitives to be residing there. Sooner or later the UNSC will step in to make sure that these claims are false, but by then we should be off of this place and off to the location of our good buddy Jack."

"Sounds good, let's just hope that you're right."

"Aren't I always?" the two laughed a bit at that considering the very, very large amounts of times he was dead wrong, but in this case he had more resources and the like, so you never know.

We're here now Julie, so you can stop thinking any negative thoughts about flying. It really does not help me in any way.

Sorry, I'll make sure to think of things that would keep you amused. Julie responded somewhat sarcastically.

Hey! Just because I'm Artificial does not mean I don't know sarcasm. Julie rolled her eyes a bit, they always got into these little debates, but they really meant nothing. It was just a way to pass the time.

Fine, fine.

"Fine, fine" what?


It can't be nothing... I want to know.

Then you should have been quite and in my thoughts no?

The AI fell silent as it had ended up with nothing else to retort with. Of course he still wanted to know, but would get his information some other way, maybe in a thought slip-up.

While the two had been going back and forth at eachother, Jake had landed the Pelican esque ship in a clearing. It wouldn't be so hard to find the ship, now that she thought of it, as the sky was wide open above them. When she did look at the sky though she thought it was quite beautiful. It was made up of all shades of purples, and pinks... like a sunset. Only it wasn't sunset, and the sun was high up in the sky.

"We're going this way, not that way." Jake said to Julie who seemed to have gotten herself caught up in the scenery. "Told ya it was a nice place."

"A picture tells a thousand words." she replied which got across to why seeing it had been more amazing than simply being told that it was indeed "amazing."

"Oh, and don't worry about concealing the ship." Jake replied as he pressed a button on a small device. The Pelican seemed to fade out of existence. "Took me friggin' forever to make that, it's an active camoflauge for the ship, and yes I did have to take a look at the active camo generator in some Elite armor. I think it's pretty neat actually." he said obviously proud of his handi work.

"That's... pretty amazing."

"I know isn't it? But we need to go south from here... like twenty five clicks south."

"Well, knowing your speed we better hussle."



As the reader there will be certain times where you can pick the next event. It works like a poll, and these would be the options;

1) Do you wish to see some raiding party attack the two while they're headed to Jake's hideout?
2) Would a slipped in battle suffice, that isn't in the area number one states?
3) Do you wish for a full on scale UNSC attack on the planet? Because they are finally taking action to the hostile forces? If so, then there will be loads of explosions and a space battle.


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Dang. It's a nice chapter. I find it isteresting that Juile is afried of hights.. One would think that a Spartan wouldn't even think such a thing. :P And the AI does seem annoying. I wouldn't want him. :P
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Yes, even in the RPG she has her fear of heights. It was a character trait I've been wanting to use ^^


Well since it's been a day, and Robo was the only one to vote, I guess A wins by default.


I'm not locking the entry like people do more because if anyone would have any comments to add, go ahead. (And picture Spink begging you to leave a comment)

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