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*jedi Mind Trick* Click I Say!

Jedi Gali


Who of you loves a good discussion? Do you get in trouble with your parents for arguing? Do you have a way with words and writing? Are you good at presenting your point of view?


Me, I enjoy discussing issues and ideas with friends and other people. And in addition, I've been interested in the recent political debates. That led me to the idea of hosting live debates in my blog. You read write. Real, live debates between two members in my blog.


The issues discussed will be varied. I'm hoping to alternate between BIONICLE and real-life subjects. Who knows? I may even throw in a few movie or book-based subjects. Examples could be: Do you prefer '01 storyline and sets or '08 storyline and sets? or: Who Gali prefer to go out with? Tahu or Kopaka? or: Which empire affected the world more? The Roman Empire or that of Alexander the Great? or: Is fire or water a more devastating natural weapon?


Now, I would love thoughts and suggestions from you guys. You could post them here, but I'd prefer that you PM'ed them to me to keep this topic neat. Now remember, all BZPower rules apply. Thus, no political or religious themed issues. But other than that, just send me your suggestions. In addition, I will need some 'great debaters'. So if you'd like to argue in a moderated setting an issue, PM me! You very well could be picked.


So here's how it'll go down. First, I will be listening to your suggestions for debates. Then I will choose one and wait for two members to volunteer to debate the issue chosen. Next, I'll communicate with them and schedule a time. But, I'm thinkin' something like eight o'clock on a Friday night.


Now for the debate itself. Each person will type their opening statement and view and post them in a designated order. Following that, they will discuss points raised in the statements. I will moderate, and if needed, stimulate the debate with question. For those not participating, you can watch it progress live! However, for the duration, I'll need for you to be quiet and not post or interject.


When it's done, I will allow comments on the part of the viewers. And, I will open a poll entry in my blog, asking who you thought won. According to the number of votes and the strength of the opposing arguments, I will declare a winner and record it in a content block.


So there ya' have it! This won't be possible without you guys, so please, give me suggestions and volunteer to debate!


:kaukau: -JG


Recommended Comments

Awesome idea JG! Debating things is probably one of my family's favorite meal conversations. So, count me in for this.


I'll get you some ideas for subjects once I come up with them. ;)

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