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Under The Stars

Lady Kopaka


Well, yesterday I had some… issues with my family, so I needed some space. I ended up sleeping on the trampoline last night, under thousands and thousands of stars.


Now, if you have or even been on a trampoline, you obviously know those things are extremely comfortable, so it really wasn’t an issue. I contentedly hid under my insanely large and warm sleeping bag as I watched shooting stars and the sparkling Milky Way. We live in the country, in the middle of nowhere, between some wooded areas in a large field area, so aside from some neighbors’ lights; I was all alone out there in the silent and cold black night, just thinking some things over.


I must say, it really relieved some stress and cleared my mind, I absolutely love the sky.


Somewhat of an irrelevant entry, I just wanted to state if you ever are stressed or uncertain, just take a peak at the stars; somewhere up there you can find yourself.


...Okay so that’s cliché, but give me a break, it was romantically gorgeous last night. ^^;


I now have an essay to do on Winston Churchill… that’s uh, due tomorrow, so I better stop procrastinating and finish it. :P


(Oh and Iron Man is the bestest… I wish I could buy it. 0: )


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*wishes he didn't live in the city*


I can't remember the last time I was able to see anything in the sky except for blank nothingness.


I'm sorry that you had some problems with your family and I hope that things can get smoothed out pretty quickly. But I'm glad that you were able to find some peace and solitude.


- :t::l::h:

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Wow, that sounds very relaxing. :) Nice way to calm down after whatever happened? XD I hope things get better for you all, this must really suck. :( Good luck on the essay, I finished a five page single-spaced paper on A Separate Peace a week ago *shudder*....


I've been considering purchasing Iron Man via iTunes, and I believe you can distribute that stuff on up to five computers... If I go through with that, just tell me if you'd like me to send it. :)

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Family issues... part of a normal, healthy adolescence. I hope.


Nature has a way of cleaning away the garbage we've accumulated in our minds. Or at least it gives us a hand putting it in order. Stars at night, waves at the beach, a walk in the forest -- they're amazingly therapeutic, like chicken soup for the soul. And there's nothing "irrelevant" about that. :)


I haven't seen Iron Man, but I doubt it's nearly as good as The Dark Knight.


<o> <o>

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I remember I used to lay under the stars on a trampoline too, long ago in a galaxy far away when I was a teenager. It helped me vent and contemplate this big ol life thing.


Oddly enough, I also had to do an essay on Churchill in high school.

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Guest kopakanuva13


It's strange how the calm after a storm can feel so good...

Lying under the stars in October... It's that kind of thing that a person can live for =)


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There you are, between now and eternity, gazing at the miraculous holes in the sky that fill your vision with the sparkling, twinkling wonderful example of Him. And you can almost imagine Him to be on a faraway star, and that feeling of being so close to Him makes you feel at peace.


Alas, I envy you. You have a trampoline you can sleep on. ._.



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Psht, stars aren't cliche...they just are. I envy you, I'd love to live in the country...or at least be rid of overcast nights. I can't remember the last time I saw more than one star.D; Hope you and your family make up.


Ooh, essay...I wrote two for English last night...and then today I found out that I was never supposed to do one of them.;; Sad sad.


Sky= <3, <3= Sky, and...Band= <3


Therefore, Sky= Band.0.o Whaaat.







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I've been considering purchasing Iron Man via iTunes, and I believe you can distribute that stuff on up to five computers... If I go through with that, just tell me if you'd like me to send it.

That’s a nice offer from you, though I don’t have iTunes and there are other reasons why I stated I couldn’t get it. So I'll consider it if you ever decide to buy/share.


Family issues... part of a normal, healthy adolescence. I hope.

Yeah. It’s a tad more complicated for me though. ._.


I remember I used to lay under the stars on a trampoline too, long ago in a galaxy far away when I was a teenager. It helped me vent and contemplate this big ol life thing.


Oddly enough, I also had to do an essay on Churchill in high school.

Coincidence? I THINK NOT. 0:


Lying under the stars in October... It's that kind of thing that a person can live for =)

It's defiantly on my "reasons to stay alive" list. ^^


Ooh, essay...I wrote two for English last night...and then today I found out that I was never supposed to do one of them.;; Sad sad.

Poor deary! *Huggles* Well... least it was practice for writing, right? :P


No mosquitoes?

Where I used to live, but not here during 50-60(F) degrees here. <3

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First off, I want your temperature. It's still in the eighties here and it's not getting any cooler. It's disgusting.


And it's awesome that you have a place that you can go to vent/hide/ignore the world around you. That's fun. ^^


But seriously, I want to steal your weather. And lack of mosquitoes, apparently.

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It's in 10-20 range here.

Celsius, that is :P .

Anyways, we live in a big city here, so it's not like I'll ever be sleeping outside. Although my grandparents do own a place on one of the islands on the West Coast, which I visit about 2-4 times a year. 'Tis very nice there, with a nice view of the ocean. But we don't have a trampoline :P .

- :l: :flagcanada:
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I hear ya', sister. (Okay, you're not my sister. I know this.)

Solitude is a plus when looking at the stars. You at least have that - all I get when looking skyward is about 3 different dogs barking, a car accelerating, and at least one airplane/Helicopter. You'd think that my living next to a wood would mean peace and quiet. Not so. Or maybe my hearing's just REALLY good. :P



PS: Right on with the stars. Whenever I can't take the people I live with (whether family or not) another second, that is what I do. Then I usually get yelled at for being outside in the middle of the night with no pants on. (I wear a robe, calm down.)

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