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I Don't Get It.



I don't get why people tend to think I'm a girl... okay I admit that back with the pink text/loli thing that Wrack dragged me into it was acceptable...




The thing is... that I've nearly changed everything, and I don't have a replacement avatar as of yet, and my gender here is set to "Male" the blue color... and... normally people are thought to be considered a "guy" on sites like BZP unless the name states otherwise. My name sucks and is something a ten year old would come up with...


This was brought to my attention very recently. When I looked back on it that is; so I posted in a topic about this as it was pertaining to the topic. Then I looked back on it and I'm like "Woah... that many people thought I was a girl? And still do? What the heck." and then the post right after mine didn't help. *headdesks*


So far the only reason I have to this strange mix up is "Magic" and yet that is my answer to all questions...



It's just weird, that's all... and I felt like killing time so I blogged about it...


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Kewl Teebs is on at this time of day... so that dun make me the only one =P


But yes, because it is a quick and easy way to get answers... well answers I like.

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So far, only Da Mista Mike knew off the bat, due to the typing style.


And at that specified time rsd I would understand that.


And... No AA. Just altogether... no.

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I thought you were a girl the whole time you had pink text.


Then when you changed it I was all like "lolwut"


Confusion is cool, it's also why all my friends think I'm from Atlantis and am allergic to #3 pencils.


Not really though.


Pink text is -temporary- and for this entry alone.

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What Wrack Said.


As for why I made the assumption originally, I first met you when you were in the pink text/loli thing you say Wrack drew you into, plus you never changed your avvie. Still, as Wrack said, it's not a huge disadvantage.

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I know, I just find it relatively odd how people tend to make an assumption that I'm a girl, while their assumption with nearly everyone else is that the other in question is a guy.


Like how people tend to think Disky is a guy, but they think I'm a girl. That's really all...

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I know, I just find it relatively odd how people tend to make an assumption that I'm a girl, while their assumption with nearly everyone else is that the other in question is a guy.


Like how people tend to think Disky is a guy, but they think I'm a girl. That's really all...

Reverse Roa Mc Toa syndrome I guess =P

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See what comes of you when you follow the staff? You should have joined my failed rebellion. At least I was set free after Omi tried to kill me...

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