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Larger Sets



I'm catching the fever known as "WANT MOAR LEGO Bricks!" I have birthdays and Christmas coming up, and the latest holiday cataglouge sparked it up again. Plus, I have some money coming in now, so I'm not a total freeloader anymore. So maybe I could somehow treat myself to one of the larger sets from this year. I don't want many... just one. But which one?


Here's my thoughts on the sets (not particularly the story, but just the sets.)


Vultraz: US $19.99 It might be nice if I wanted some silver or that red mask. But overall, it's just some extra pieces without any cool function... and I already have three Midaks, so I'm not counting that one. No go.


Toa Ignika: US $19.99 Well, it has some interesting pieces and a nice mask and figure to go with it, but again no function. However, the price makes it more desirable than others, and Toa Ignika looks pretty amazing. One problem may be availability... he was, after all, a January set.


Mazeka: US $29.99 It has some interesting pieces and all, but the overall design is boring. I don't really want a simple turret. The launcher function is sheer win, yes, but not a $30 sheer win.


Takanuva: US $29.99 He's a tad more expensive than the titans of old, but from what I've seen and heard, he has a nice complex build and lots of good pieces. And anyway, he looks great. I could always use the extra white, so he's a major consideration.


Rockoh T3: US $39.99 This is getting a little high on the price range. It's not the coolest looking of the vehicles... more like a flying block than an actual airship. But it looks to have lots of cool pieces, and the green is nice (even if there is a complete lack of original Mata green). Plus, it has a trigger function that shoots... I don't think either of the other two ships have that. This is also a major consideration, even if it has a crazy Pohatu figure.


Jetrax T6: US $49.99 This has a cool look going for it, and plenty of cool pieces, but i don't think it has a trigger function... just those midak blasters, and I'm not thrilled with those. And the price is a little much.


Axalara T9: US $79.99 Okay, even if I was willing to pay the price, this thing looks way too ulky for my tastes, And still the firing mechanism is just the midaks, right? No, I want my vechicle to pull a trigger and fire.


So there are my thoughts. Now I ask the readers of this blog... which would you recommend for me to get? Mostly it's between Rockoh and Takanuva... but if there's something about the others that's cool, you can also mention it. :)




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Out of the large sets, I have Ignika and Taka, so I'll see if I can help. ^_^


Taka is a pretty good set. It took me about 1 hour and 15 minutes to build him, if not more. He's very fun to pose with. So if you wanna spend less, I definitely recommend him.


Also, some things about Toa Ignika: Another pretty good set. Ignika himself is a clone design from the last two years, but a very very good clone, and has some neat armor. The mask is beautifully designed, and I think it's one of the best masks released. The skyboard is the other thing that makes the set itself feel complete. It's not too heavy, and light enough to have good playability. It also includes very nice pieces, specially a bunch of tools/weapons.


So if you want a cheaper yet enjoyable build go for Ignika or Taka. If you're looking for a set that has some neat functions, I'd say go for Rockoh. :)


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Out of the large sets I have from this year(Takanuva, Icarax, Toa Ignika, and Vultraz) I'd have to say that Takanuva is my favorite.


He's huge, complex, cool weapons, looks cool, pretty poseable, unique usage of Takadox heads, unique usage of Pohatu Phantoka arm pieces, unique usage of Onua's shield, tons of white, pretty cheap compared to the vehicles, and just a overall big set.


The only real problems with him are the red and blue pins. They look pretty funky on him and almost detract from the color scheme. But I try my best to ignore them.


So I recomend Takanuva for awesomeness, great pieces, and a pretty cool color scheme, with a lot of other good things about him, too.



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I'm going to have to go with Takanuva, due to sheer awesomeness and I don't even have him.

But if you must go cheaper, Shadow-Nui seemed to say some good things about Toa Ignika.


(Personally, I've never bought more than a $30 set directly from Lego for myself.)



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Ignika is a fun set. You get the airplane wings and more yellow(ish) parts. It's good if you don't feel like coughing up $900 or whatever they charge for the airbikes.

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I'd recommend Mazeka, but since you don't favor him too much, my vote would go to Takanuva, because he is a winsome set.
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