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The Bahrag



A while ago, I bought the Bahrag (and some other stuff) off the member Anthony Dalek. I've finally got around to building the blue one (Gahdok, I think) and I'm very pleased. It's a nice, complex build, and they're great fun to play with. One wee thing I've noticed, though, about the older sets in general.


So, I've been a Bionicle fan since the start. I remember a lot of stuff newer fans won't. And I remember when I first saw the Bahrag. It was in a Lego Magazine - I wasn't on BZP until 2003 - and I thought, "Wow. They look awesome." They were a bit expensive for me, though - fifty quid is a lot of money to a ten-year-old, and is still quite a lot to me now, five years on. I got them both for £25.


Anyway, I thought that these were a really big set - they were indeed one of the biggest so far. And I still thought this when building it. But then I put it on my desk, where Zaktan was standing.


They were the same height. :o


Now, a Toa Mata is dwarfish in comparison to a Bahrag.


Are the Toa on some kind of weird pill? :P


Youse's opinions on this'd be nice.

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