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Monster Mystery Powerpoint Art Contest




Here's what I've settled on for the next blog contest. Invent a mysterious and terrifying Bionicle monster. I will write an adventure mystery short story using the winning monster as the antagonist. :)

I'll set it on Metru Nui during 2006-2008. The Matoran hero from my RPG, Hujo, will be the protagonist. He will have to try to figure out the identity of this monster as it wreaks havoc while trying to remain mysterious and unseen by its victims. Similar to the LOST Monster. It will be another bonus Paracosmos short story.

But what IS the monster? That's up to you guys. :)

Here's what I'm looking for:

1) Make an image of your monster in Powerpoint and post it here. Here's my guides on powerpoint art again:

Powerpoint Art Guides:
Vector Art In Powerpoint: Quality, Inexpensive, Easy
Coolifying With Powerpoint Vector Art

2) Tell me about its powers, motives, etc. in a bio in your post.

3) Please note that this has to be a bad guy.

4) As per Bones Blog tradition, you may enter up to three different monsters. Only one monster will win out of all the entries, though.

5) No, you can't copy off the LOST Monster. :P

The short story will be posted in the Library and in a blog entry. The winner will be revealed through the story -- I'll make it as mysterious as I can. :P I will judge both on the art and on quality of the story, and I will announce which ones I thought came close, with commentary on them and the winner, in a seperate entry.

Contest is open again until noon next Wednesday (Dec 17)..

[Deadline extended two weeks.]

[Deadline extended another week.]

Have fun!

Here are three random example monsters, with bios in spoiler tags:

Foliage Monster Hiding
Foliage Monster

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This giant mutant Fikou Spider blends in with foliage, thanks to its green fur. Shown here with eyes open, it usually closes its narrow eyes and senses prey by ground vibrations and sound. When its prey comes near, it strikes! As a normal Fikou spider, it was released from the Archives 1000 years ago during the Great Cataclysm. Visorak venom mutated it -- eventually it settled into this form. The venom drove it insane, and it has a paranoid, frantic personality. It was also given Mute power, so its victims' cries for help cannot be heard. Now that the city is being repopulated, its paranoia has driven it to capture Matoran with a vengeance. Its venom renders the prey mute and disoriented -- it usually imprisons them in a deep hole to be eaten later. For now, it has enough Rahi trapped to feed on, but will the Matoran be rescued in time?

Nightwindow Monster

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Origins unknown, this monster hides underwater at day, but at night it hovers outside Metru Nui skyscrapers. It sends blue energy tendrils right through window glass, and destroys anything in its path. It eats fish, so its attacks have nothing to do with food. It is an intelligent and evil being who can sense fear. It doesn't feed on fear -- it merely enjoys sensing fear. At all times it tries hard to avoid being identified -- its attacks are sudden, and last mere seconds. It leaves furniture, machines, and inner walls in ruin in its wake. Thus far no serious injuries have happened, but nobody knows when it will go too far.

Rhotuka Serpent

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Recently, a Makuta was spotted by Takanuva off Metru Nui's shores. Soon after, bursts of light began attacking Metru Nui's structures, weakening them even as the Matoran tried to rebuild. At first, some worried that Takanuva himself had turned against them, but eventually the bursts were found to come from strange yellow Rhotuka. The spinners were designed differently from normal Rhotuka, allowing them to maneuver fast and quiet through ground plants long distances before flying up to attack their actual targets. This made it nearly impossible to find out where the Rhotuka were coming from. In fact, they came from the Rhotuka Serpent, a new creation of that Makuta. In addition to slowing the rebuilding, the serpent has a connection to the Makuta attacking Karda Nui, draining away some of the light that hits them when a Midak sphere is fired at them. The main benefit to the Makuta is that when the mystery is finally solved, it will only reinforce the idea that the Makuta don't want Mata Nui awakened... which is exactly what they want the Toa to think...

---------THIS CONTEST SPONSORED BY:---------



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I think he means December 9th.


I wonder why he said November.

I did XD?! :blink:


Probably 'cuz I was in a hurry to be done before Heroes came on. :P


Fixed. :lookaround:

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Oh, yeah, I did it, but forgot to commentify. :lol:


Extendified to Dec 9.

NooOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOooOOooOO ^ ∞ (Even though it's my birthday. :P)



All that rushed-ness for nothing. D=

Can we edit the entries after they've been entered? :P


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Oh, yeah, I did it, but forgot to commentify. :lol:


Extendified to Dec 9.

NooOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOooOOooOO ^ ∞ (Even though it's my birthday. :P)



All that rushed-ness for nothing. D=

Can we edit the entries after they've been entered? :P


Sure. Rules don't forbid it and this isn't a formal contest. :)

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Agh, the stupid Blue Screen of Death destroyed the progress I just made. Bah!


No matter... It was only part of the head design...


EDIT: I've gotten past the planning stage, and I'm not actually drawing the work on ppt. I've barely even started and it looks awesome so far!

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I'm surprised no one stole my idea. I was working on it yesterday, in a rush. I didn't finish and I could guess this was going to happen. Bones, how many blog contests' deadlines have you delayed now? all of them? :P

So i'm not done, but I'll finish it ASAP.

the whole trace a MOC on powerpont is a great idea. I thnk i'll use it.


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What idea?


EDIT: I've gone to the point of being able to give a small teaser for my entry. Who wants it?


EDIT2: So far, there is one entry that is real competition for me...

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Here's what I was able to make. Due to real life and school, I won't be able to finish it to my liking...


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The Nui-Phryno, an elongate reptilian-like rahi, has been, and still is an extremely elusive species. The race originated from a Makuta experiment. Attempting to transfer a Kraata's power into the armor of an already living being, the Nui-Phryno only attained a small amount of an individual Kraata's power. The Makuta especially tried to infuse illusion properties into the rahi, not only giving them limited illusion power, but the ruthless passion of a Rahkshi. This can explain how Matoran don't recognize the creatures for the danger it really is. The Phrynos' favorite illusion is that of friends or close ties to its victim, which it stalks for periods of time before striking. It is unknown how many have perished from these rejected experiments, or how many creatures may still be living amongst us.


Now I'm curious to see what Ary puts out. Good luck to everyone!



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Make that two entries that are a match for me.


I need to hurry if I want my 6 pics to be made in time...


Too much to ask for another extension?


EDIT: Because of you, Atako, I'm adding another two whole layers of detail to my pics.

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Guest Thormen


Lost a lot of detail in the resizing, but still... I gotta rush this before my parents find out I'm still up late.




The legend of the Happy Salesman:


Long ago, Tamukoh was a happy salesman, because he lived a happy life. He traveled from town to town, selling goods to the people, goods he had stored in his huge backpack. Seeing how they were satisfied with what he brought them satisfied him in turn, and he could always satisfy them. He used to say "I can sell you anything you need in your entire life!" because surely, how could you need something if you didn't have a life?


It was on one of his journeys that he stumbled upon a terrible beast of shadows: a Makuta. The Makuta caught him and readied his shadow hand. "Well well, little Matoran" he spoke "I think you shall be a tasty meal, you will make me very happy indeed". Tamukoh, however, did not want to be eaten, so he said "O great Makuta, you look mighty and terrible, and able to devour me indeed, but can I not satisfy you in another way? I am a traveling salesman, I only seek to sell goods to people. Maybe I can sell you something, for I can sell you anything you need in your entire life!"


The Makuta listened to his words and instead of eating him, he replied "You are right to call me mighty and terrible, for I am the mightiest and most terrible Makuta of all, I am the Master of Shadows himself! You boldly speak to me as if I am an ordinary Matoran who you can satisfy with your items, but to satisfy me you will need to have something better. You can sell me anything I need in my entire life, but can you sell Life itself, for those who need it?"


Tamukoh thought deeply about this. He could sell him a Rahi of course, but that was just a beast with a life of its own, it wasn't Life itself. To have Life in your might and control it as if it was your possession was something else entirely. "No" he said "I cannot sell you Life. Can I not sell you anything else you need?"


The Makuta shook his head darkly. "The only thing that will satisfy me is the power of Life, but I know how you can get it for me. Far away in an outstretched desert is a volcano, called the Cursed Mountain. Hidden in the bowels of that volcano is a mask that has the power of Life, it is the Mask of Life. So, little Matoran, bring me that mask, and I shall let you live."


When he was finished, the Makuta let him go. Knowing this was the only thing he could do, Tamukoh searched dome after dome until eventually he found the volcano the beast had spoken of. After braving the dangers that lurked in its depths, he entered the deepest of caverns in the Cursed Mountain, and stood before the Mask of Life. Yet before he could grab it, something wondrous happened: the mask spoke to him!


“Matoran,” it said “who are you, and why have you come here?”


Tamukoh soon replied “I am a traveling salesman, I can sell you anything you need in your entire life, but a beast of shadows asked me to sell it Life itself. I could not do so, for I didn’t have the power of Life, but I ventured here and braved all the dangers, so I could take you, mask, because you are the Power of Life!”


“You were bold to come here,” the mask spoke “and such bravery should be rewarded, but not by me. I am not something that will ever be sold, I am much too powerful to suffer that fate. You willingly came to the Cursed Mountain, so cursed you shall be! Was it Life you wanted to carry around in your backpack? Then it is Life you shall lose, and it is Life your backpack shall gain!”


The mask bewitched him and he lost his life, becoming only an empty shell. The backpack though, grew and became a monstrous lizard, made of rags and hatred. It despised Life and until this day it still roams angrily, taking people’s lives and leaving something as payment. Hiding in the shadows of the world it drags unhappy Matoran to its mouth with its long, chain-like tongue and locking them in with its zipper-teeth, never becoming satisfied.




So that’s the legend, and who knows? If the salesman is real, then parts of the legend are probably real too. Fact is, the monster hates Life and is searching for the one it sees responsible for its life: the Master of Shadows, the leader of the Makuta himself. Until it has found him, it’ll never rest and will keep feeding its murderous hunger for vengeance.


It can control the chain as if it were a very long tongue, so it can move it in practically any way that doesn’t require it to be separated from its mouth. Immediately after a Matoran is dragged into its mouth, the zipper will close and the Matoran can keep struggling, but it will suffocate and be consumed. The fact that it is made out of rags makes it relatively light and able to climb quite agilely for a bulky lizard, but it’ll gain a lot of weight once it’s soaked. Usually it’ll get burned easily by fire, but if it’s just come in contact with water, fire will of course only benefit it. At day it hides among the waste dumps of Le-Metru’s lower levels, lying on its belly so only rags are exposed.


(if the bio is too long I'll just discard the legend, if I can still do so in time)

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Thormen... that is completely awesome, both the legend and the drawing. Disturbing, too, but totally awesome at the same time. If I got a vote, I'd cast it for your entry - but I don't, since it's all in Bonesiii's hands. Still, here's wishing you the best of luck.



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Haaa... Same situation, Thormen. :P

...And that is a disturbing picture. :blink:



Mist Parasite (named). :P


The Mist Parasite is a distant relative of the Makuta species. In its natural form, it takes the form of a cloud of mist, just like Makuta, although this cloud is orange and blue. Like the Makuta, the Parasite can't survive long without a body. However, since it has less willpower, it can't survive nearly as long as a Makuta.

True to its name, the Parasite invades its hosts and takes over their body by destroying their organic material and imitating it, taking its place. The Parasite can use the powers of its host by using the imprint of the host's soul in the armor. However, while being controlled by the Parasite, the armor gradually crumbles, forcing the Parasite to find a new host.

The Parasite can only possess armor that had an imprint in it, making it so that the Parasite can only infect bio-mechanical hosts, not empty armor like Rahkshi and Exo-Toa. Although it can possess dead bodies. It can also use the powers of its past hosts to a small degree.


...It's kind of like a Bionicle Zombie. :blink:


Oh, and credit to Populus for providing the Kaukau that I based the mask on. :D

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Sadly, I probably won't be entering in this contest. Congratulations to <insert future winner here> for an easy victory.


Apparently my computer crashed and it wouldn't turn on for a week, of which I lost precious time to work on my entry.


I can, however, enter the one pic that I have half-done for the sake of having something in, but it's nowhere near the quality that I was aiming for, so I doubt I'd win.

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