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Ogd Reference, Mata Nui, Monsters, Etcetera!




  • Krakuaofsonics and I have been discussing ideas about a possible reference system for Greg's answers. BS01 already covers the essentials, but what about those common but not-so-essential questions that people keep asking Greg over and over and over and over? The problem is that Greg has to spend Various attempts to fix this problem have been proposed, even tried, but nothing seems to last. Is there a good way to fix this? Or is the OGD as good as we can do, other than of course Greg doing his own blog entry FAQs? What do you guys think?

    We had a Greg database, but that feel apart because the workload to update was too much. If it was just an official S&T topic, would anybody bother to read it anymore than they don't bother to read the OGD? :P And would our staff even be able to keep that up do date either? Perhaps some other system? Or what? Or does nobody have a clue lol?

  • I love love love the news related to Mata Nui! Bionicle has been getting so freaky awesome lately, I wasn't sure if it could be topped, but this does. :D And I was rooting for that whole theory to be accurate -- glad to see it was!

    Now I'm just worried that 2009 might not be able to top this. :P

  • Hiding in this entry's banner is an example for the Monster Mystery Powerpoint Art Contest I slapped together in about two hours. Just wanna give some vague, nonbinding (:P) sense of what I have in mind. See if you can make it out in that image, then view the monster with blank background in the spoiler tag, with bio:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

    The Foliage Monster

    Bio: This giant mutant Fikou Spider blends in with foliage, thanks to its green fur. Shown here with eyes open, it usually closes its narrow eyes and senses prey by ground vibrations and sound. When its prey comes near, it strikes! As a normal Fikou spider, it was released from the Archives 1000 years ago during the Great Cataclysm. Visorak venom mutated it -- eventually it settled into this form. The venom drove it insane, and it has a paranoid, frantic personality. It was also given Mute power, so its victims' cries for help cannot be heard. Now that the city is being repopulated, its paranoia has driven it to capture Matoran with a vengeance. Its venom renders the prey mute and disoriented -- it usually imprisons them in a deep hole to be eaten later. For now, it has enough Rahi trapped to feed on, but will the Matoran be rescued in time?

    (BTW, you guys can use the spoiler tag if you wish for this purpose in your entries too.)

  • I'm dogsitting right now for a relative, so I haven't had much time to be online. FTR.


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Who is this krakua guy? :???:



(Spoiler's to avoid cheating)

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I saw the two glowing emerald eyes, so I could find the monster easily. Try making it less conspicuous, bones. :P



Just tie the dog to a tree, give im an endless supply of buscuits and squeaky toys and spend the day spamming up the forums. :P



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I have an idea for your Greg problem:


Okay: We create an official topic for people to ask questions that members might just know the answer to. This would reduce silly questions "What do the Bohrok have to do?", "Is Mata Nui the Matoran Universe?" "Why did the Toa Nuva change in 2008?" etc. That sort of thing you know. They are to be quite honest, incredibly simple questions.


We pin that, and it reduces Greg's workload because he doesn't have to answer unnecessary questions. I'm not saying it's elegant, I'm saying it's practical. ;)

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Cluttered? Cluttered!?!


Meh s'pose, but I think it this comes under the category of "crying over spilt milk"? I'm sure there can be a compromise where the board remains aesthetically pleasing.

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We had a topic like that before, but it died (or at least is in suspended animation). I think pinning it wouldn't be a bad idea. :)


But isn't the S&T forum itself for asking questions? I don't know if we need a topic for it... :shrugs:

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Replying to your mystery monster Fikou thing, my entry was going to be an intelligent being with a strong hatred for Matoran (with a good reason, of course), instead of the classic RAWR I'm a monster type of thing.

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For the OGD, remove any posts that does not contain original questions that Greg has answered. That would make it much easier to read and find out what has already been asked.


» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
*gasp* The monster is a mutant Thwant!
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Replying to your mystery monster Fikou thing, my entry was going to be an intelligent being with a strong hatred for Matoran (with a good reason, of course), instead of the classic RAWR I'm a monster type of thing.

That's fine -- that's only a random example. :)

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Also, people are starting to post questions that they've asked Bink in there, and since that is off topic, it's technically spam.


It's really irritating me for some reason...


Oh and



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What do you guys mean had a pinned topic problem? With the 5 we have currently it still looks cluttered. I dont think we cna really do anything more for Greg. BS01 has all info up within 24 hours (usually less lol), unless something to do with spoiler stuff that BS01 hasn't allowed, so people should always go there first for details and if they dont find them there check again the next day and then PM Greg about it.


Oh and bones we miss you :P

~GB #1

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Who is this krakua guy? :???:



that would be me, Krakuaofsonics.....the Bionicle fan that joined BZP back in April. You might remember me if you look in OGD a lot, I commonly hang around.....keeps my IQ up

I have an idea for your Greg problem:


Okay: We create an official topic for people to ask questions that members might just know the answer to. This would reduce silly questions "What do the Bohrok have to do?", "Is Mata Nui the Matoran Universe?" "Why did the Toa Nuva change in 2008?" etc. That sort of thing you know. They are to be quite honest, incredibly simple questions.


We pin that, and it reduces Greg's workload because he doesn't have to answer unnecessary questions. I'm not saying it's elegant, I'm saying it's practical. ;)

that could work, but we talked about the problem that people would already know the existence of OGD, and they wouldn't know of this other topic, thus they would still ask Greg questions that are easily answered by other people........as the Mighty Master of The Bones Blog said to me in pm, all the newbies need to hear is that GregF answers fan's Questions and they are off. off and gone, and he gets random questions.


as an example, look at all the people who post their questions in OGD, if you look at their questions, most of the time, they are easily answered by fans. But do they even think to ask them? no. sorry.


Not saying your idea is bad here, just saying that it needs some work before we can really settle down as far as this is what we need to do. Hey, believe me, this is not an easy thing to fix, but it was a good idea, now it just needs some work.

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Close the OGD?

I sure hope I didn't say that and I didn't even think of doing that. But if I did, sorry.


If that was an Idea you just came up with, I would have to ask the following:


"what would be the good?"


people would just create their own topics to post their questions, and then you would have 100 topics in BZP a day saying "I got a PM from GregF, check it out."


I don't think that would work.


But hey, I am just one guy out there, somebody else might see to good in it.

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I see your point...


But if it were closed...

  1. You would have less pinned topics, which apparently is a good thing :???:
  2. Less people would PM Greg. Think about it. If there's no place to plonk your replies, what good is it going to be if you ask him questions?
  3. There would be less off topic spam. 'Cuz there would be no where to post it. Sometimes in the OGD you see stuff like "Destiny War is up", which is completely spam in every dimension.
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