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State Champions And Snow Yayz



Our High School won State Championships for our group!!! This means we are the best in the state!!! And we get free jackets!!! Woot!!!


And then the TV said it might snow soon. :D


Also the :D emotion pretty much sums up my life right now. And yeah I said I wouldn't update on that junk happening, but I haven't had anything else to blog about, so just click the spoiler if you need to know.


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Well, I sat across from Ally for the 2 hour bus ride to States. Bought Sour Patch Watermelons for me and her like usual, and ate them together. That ended up with each other covered in the sour sugar at the bottom. Lol Then we agreed that for her Senior and my Junior prom, we'll go together if we have no other dates. Lawlz, like I'm gonna have a date after that promise. 8u.gif


The way home we sat together (two people on the "two seater" which really means we luv each other were cramped and always touching :D ) for the whole bus ride home. I talked about her boyfriend (*twitch*) with her/everyone and said how he was annoying and everyone hates him. I tried to be nice about it though, like "I just find him annoying sometimes... and not that many people... like... him..." I dunno, the whole flute section is obsessed with him though so yeah. I'm trying to be nice to him, but I still hate him. My friends still want to take him down from his position. And the drums were the only thing that didn't get the best of award so he was sad and it was funny. Anyway, she was texting him for the bus ride but there were points where we were doing something with her phone and kept getting interrupted by his texts and were mad at him. Like joking mad but whatever, it was just fun to be mad at him.


Then she needed to know how to spell a word so I tried to tell her. It didn't work so I just told her to spell all the words wrong so he won't notice it. She did this.... to the extreme. The message then changed to her rambling on and laughing and being crazy etc. She ended up sending all these messages to me though, not him which was to my dismay, but some of them were a little focusing on me so I don't know if she wanted me to have them or for him not to read them.


Talking about old times when we had hated each other because of stupid things was good for understanding purposes.


Tickle fights are mucho mucho fun.


Listening to music together plus "singing" the lyrics of her favorite songs (which I mostly only knew due to the intense amount of time listening to it before with her) was nice.


Listening to her cover (Like she was listening to it and singing to it. Due to her earphones, I could not hear the normal song and heard only her singing.) random songs was fun but slightly annoying due to the fact she was singing at me. I told her I'm not "punching" her in the face anymore though so yeah. Instead I found touching her anywhere distracts her enough or forcing her mouth shut is much more effective. Some how she ended up bitting my fingers one time and that actually hurt. ;_;


Cold = Hugging = Awesomeness


Her Resting/Sleeping On My Shoulder = More Awesomeness



And I probably would have asked her out if she wasn't with that guy. ;_;


I'm supposed to be dressing exactly like her tomorrow and hopefully she isn't ditching out. Like we were supposed to be today but she could find the shirt I gave her, so she said tomorrow/today. I texted her to see if she had the shirt but she didn't reply...


In other news I have no idea what I'm being or doing for Halloween. :D


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