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Weekly Update - 11/1

Black Six



As I forewarned, we're a day late this week. Such is life.



We should be getting a very large set review up tomorrow, and I mean that in two ways. You'll have to wait until then to see what I mean.


We finally got our Fair and Con coverage up this past week. Better late then never?


And as the year draws closer and closer to its end, the final 2008 Bionicle Comic has begun to appear. Many things are revealed, or so I hear. But don't forget to use spoiler tags and not ruing it for others. In further story news, Bink said there will be a new animation on Bionicle.com this week, so that's something exciting to look forward to.



1. Do you like the Saw movies?

2. Do you plan to see the fifth one?

3. Who is your favorite charactor?

4. What is your favorite movie series?

1. No.

2. No.

3. In Bionicle? Tahu.

4. Series? I think I'll go with the original Star Wars Trilogy, closely followed by Indiana Jones.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



And that's about it for this week. There's too much going on in other places for much to be happening here. Darn that real life, always getting in the way.


Recommended Comments

He doesnt like the Saw movies. that's very good.


Yeah! for Star Wars!


but, yeah, what about Lord of the Rings and the Star Wars prequel trilogy? maybe I should send him a PM....

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He doesnt like the Saw movies. that's very good.


Yeah! for Star Wars!


but, yeah, what about Lord of the Rings and the Star Wars prequel trilogy? maybe I should send him a PM....

The question was just what his very favourite movie series was; there can only be one answer to that. Just because those aren't his number-one favourite doesn't mean he doesn't like them (in fact, unless I am mistaken, he is a fan of both).

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