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Ghost Adventures

Spoony Bard


So I recently taken the liking to Ghost Adventures, a show on the Travel Channel. I'm not a fan of Ghost Hunters, for a few reasons, but Ghost Adventures just reached out to me. Probably because I enjoy the provocation.


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So far I've only watched the first 10 minutes of episode one, and I'm not liking it... seems too "theatrical" and possibly even scripted, in comparison to Ghost Hunters, which is sometimes so real that it's BORING... which is a positive and credible thing.


Case in point, guy yelling, "You never, NEVER RUN AWAY!"

...an obvious rip from a very early Ghost Hunters, where one of the younger members freaked out in a prison and yelled, "Dude, RUN!" to the cameraman lol.

They all made fun of him SO bad after that, going so far as to print TAPS T-shirts up with his saying on it.



Think I'll go watch ep.1 of GA now and get back to this...



Ok, just got done.

These guys are RIDICULOUS lol.

Granted, they chose a good place and did catch stuff, but they just would NOT shut up!


Ok, guy in bathroom... hears 2 loud bangs while he's drainin' the dragon.... and he runs out screaming?

Then the other guy starts holding him and screaming at him?

Then the third guy runs up yelling too?

This is a scientific approach?!?


From what I can tell, while sometimes on Ghost Hunters the members of TAPS get "startled", these guys in Ghost Adventures are TERRIFIED, which would explain why they're fleeing, shouting and cursing up a storm. These guys are peeing their pants, and looking pretty foolish, to me anyways.


The annoying lead character starts getting scratched, it continues happening, then he turns into a wimp and leaves? I thought they were there to document these things!!!

Worse yet, he was just complaining about the other guy running away lol.


The lead guy is terrible. He's loud, says stupid stuff like "This old well IS the portal to ######". He even took some of what the owners of the place said during the initial interview, then embellished upon it dramatically, then citing things as "fact".


And how many freaking times did they have to keep narrating about the place's history? Ok, we HEARD that the chick's head was tossed down a well, we don't need to be reminded every FIVE minutes with the story being repeated. UGH.


Ghost Hunters could have gone in there and gotten the same results... without being obnoxious. If this show is to continue, that lead guy needs to be replaced by someone who's not a complete and total SPAZ.


Then there's the problem with provoking.

I'm not a religious person, but I know the paranormal. Without too much flakey detail, I'll just say that provoking is bad. Not so much for the investigators who only have to fart around in there one night, but the people who have to deal with the... eh... the portals they've widened / opened and not closed back up.


These guys are chuckleheads, the show is a JOKE... but now I have to watch it just to wait and see them REALLY mess up at some point.

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I love this show. I've been interested since about a week before the first episode, watching some of the ghost stuff they have, or maybe Anthony Bourdain No Reservations...

Anyway, the aspect I love about it is it's just the three of them and they're locked in, much better than Ghost Hunters. I missed the prison one though because it was too loud where I was watching, so I couldn't hear much, and I had to keep leaving, so I missed too much. But that one looks great, I can't wait to see the full thing.

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So far I've only watched the first 10 minutes of episode one, and I'm not liking it... seems too "theatrical" and possibly even scripted, in comparison to Ghost Hunters, which is sometimes so real that it's BORING... which is a positive and credible thing.


Case in point, guy yelling, "You never, NEVER RUN AWAY!"

...an obvious rip from a very early Ghost Hunters, where one of the younger members freaked out in a prison and yelled, "Dude, RUN!" to the cameraman lol.

They all made fun of him SO bad after that, going so far as to print TAPS T-shirts up with his saying on it.



Think I'll go watch ep.1 of GA now and get back to this...



Ok, just got done.

These guys are RIDICULOUS lol.

Granted, they chose a good place and did catch stuff, but they just would NOT shut up!


Ok, guy in bathroom... hears 2 loud bangs while he's drainin' the dragon.... and he runs out screaming?

Then the other guy starts holding him and screaming at him?

Then the third guy runs up yelling too?

This is a scientific approach?!?


From what I can tell, while sometimes on Ghost Hunters the members of TAPS get "startled", these guys in Ghost Adventures are TERRIFIED, which would explain why they're fleeing, shouting and cursing up a storm. These guys are peeing their pants, and looking pretty foolish, to me anyways.


The annoying lead character starts getting scratched, it continues happening, then he turns into a wimp and leaves? I thought they were there to document these things!!!

Worse yet, he was just complaining about the other guy running away lol.


The lead guy is terrible. He's loud, says stupid stuff like "This old well IS the portal to ######". He even took some of what the owners of the place said during the initial interview, then embellished upon it dramatically, then citing things as "fact".


And how many freaking times did they have to keep narrating about the place's history? Ok, we HEARD that the chick's head was tossed down a well, we don't need to be reminded every FIVE minutes with the story being repeated. UGH.


Ghost Hunters could have gone in there and gotten the same results... without being obnoxious. If this show is to continue, that lead guy needs to be replaced by someone who's not a complete and total SPAZ.


Then there's the problem with provoking.

I'm not a religious person, but I know the paranormal. Without too much flakey detail, I'll just say that provoking is bad. Not so much for the investigators who only have to fart around in there one night, but the people who have to deal with the... eh... the portals they've widened / opened and not closed back up.


These guys are chuckleheads, the show is a JOKE... but now I have to watch it just to wait and see them REALLY mess up at some point.

Yeah they like to streatch the truth a bit on the historical facts I lloked up the Pearl Bryan stuff, and they kinda changed it a bit, but I guess its how they are.


I think it makes it more interesting because they aren't these buff macho guys who aren't afraid of anything. Taps basically just walk around and be like "yeah its nothing to us". The freaking out just freaks you out.


I love this show. I've been interested since about a week before the first episode, watching some of the ghost stuff they have, or maybe Anthony Bourdain No Reservations...

Anyway, the aspect I love about it is it's just the three of them and they're locked in, much better than Ghost Hunters. I missed the prison one though because it was too loud where I was watching, so I couldn't hear much, and I had to keep leaving, so I missed too much. But that one looks great, I can't wait to see the full thing.

The Penitentiary one wasn't so bad. Evidence they got was disappointing a bit.


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Haven't watched the second episode yet, but I thought the evidence from the penitentiary in the third episode was great.


I never saw the "breath thing" documented on Ghost Hunters.

I've seen it in my own experiences though... and I must say it's quite predictable. You KNOW when it's about to happen.


They also got some ok EVPs, too.

Though their analyst said it sounded like the sentence was "I'm going to kill you", it sounded more to me like, "I'm going to cut you"... which would kind of jive with prisoner type talk.


Didn't dig their static digicam shot of "glowing eyes". Really, that junk could be anything.

They NEED to stop showing insects flying by as "orbs".


You've got me hooked on this though. I'm starting to like the lead character, just because he's a fruit. The man is terrified. Fear is a good conductor to paranormal events. Like you said before, the Ghost Hunters crew are too brave. They've been doing it so long, have the pride of becoming "successes" and have an adequate amount of safety protocols that their fear goes right out the window.


Not so with these other newbies. :lol:


Both shows are good for their own reasons, however similarly dressed they are.

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Ah, yes they did. I like the camera they used that takes temperature readings at every shot. Awesome that the pic that was 11 degrees out of sync with the others is the one they got the misty form on.


I also like how they lace certain areas with a bunch of equipment. Ghost Hunters does it differently. In this case, the running shadow that the Ghost Adventures guys caught was something TAPS wouldn't have caught.


Both these shows, both these teams... they're missing some really important techniques, as well as obvious ways to fully utilize their equipment / make better equipment. But that's a story for another blog entry entirely. ...Or a patent office. :D

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Not bad, not bad. Birdcage lifts a little and is pushed off a box right behind a guy... ON FILM.

A beam of wood is dropped a step or two from the top of the stairs they placed it.

A heavy flag is tilted forward until it falls over.

Footsteps, girl playing with dolls on EVP, sounds of junk clanking/shuffling in kitchen.


They're getting the results, and that's what matters.


Notice the lead guy changed his tune a bit this time? NOW he's all like, "We only do provoking on ghost who are bullies!"... lol, a far cry from where his attitude in the first episode. I bet he's gotten criticism for going in with guns blazing.


Ghost Hunters too have been catching good stuff.

In the Halloween episode, Grant gets yanked from behind THREE times by something grabbing the hood of his jacket. They caught them and on thermal, you can see a brief cold spot where it's being pinched, followed by the fabric going backwards.


There was also some VERY loud "You don't belong here!"'s caught on tape and some light anomalies on infrared.


In the newest episode, they had hangers being thrown at them and a cameraman in the bathroom getting a door slammed on his face right after they asked it to "close a door" lol.


Great stuff...

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Not bad, not bad. Birdcage lifts a little and is pushed off a box right behind a guy... ON FILM.

A beam of wood is dropped a step or two from the top of the stairs they placed it.

A heavy flag is tilted forward until it falls over.

Footsteps, girl playing with dolls on EVP, sounds of junk clanking/shuffling in kitchen.


They're getting the results, and that's what matters.


Notice the lead guy changed his tune a bit this time? NOW he's all like, "We only do provoking on ghost who are bullies!"... lol, a far cry from where his attitude in the first episode. I bet he's gotten criticism for going in with guns blazing.

What sucks is that most of the stuff that happened, they didn't see it, and I wish they did. Also, one thing they didn't notice, as that the coat stand was moving after the wood was knocked over. You can see it move when one of them (I think Nick) had his camera right on the stand for a few seconds.


But yeah not bad results, just wished more came from it, like some more EVPs or an apparition.


Well the first episode, Zack was provoking bullies. Just the wrong ones. :P



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He seemed to acknowledge the coat rack junk moving, for a second anyway.


MAN, did you see the pilot episode special that aired on SciFi Channel?!?

I just got done, uh, "getting" it. And it was BRUTAL.


One of the guys couldn't be there, so it was just two of them in there.

Things went badly for them near the end lol.


They were in the basement getting freaked out by the sounds of things clanking around them, the lead guy (of COURSE) runs away... leaving the second dude all alone in the dark with his nightvision cam.


The lead guy starts calling out to him asking where he is (very Blair witch stuff here) and he didn't answer. That seemed really odd to me, but what was happening was that he was going into shock!

The forces there were "intruding" on him and he was whispering "please help me".

As his camera was spinning around, I coulda' sworn there was a face or two in the dark, but they never mentioned it afterwards.


When Zak got back to him, he was just standing there, and didn't know how much time had passed or what happened after the other bolted.


The really great thing is that earlier they'd caught a shadow guy bopping out from around a corner in a hallway, an orb, but an orb that was both large AND behind an object a few feet away (nice... the only kind of orb to be taken seriously).


Best of all, they caught on film, illuminated, a brick just pick itself up and go flying.

Likewise, there was beams of wood that picked themselves up, dangled weirdly (never saw anything like that in my life) and then just fell over.


THIS is the kind of blundering i said a few posts up that I was waiting for from this show.

No safety protocols, running from activity, and leaving someone who's terrified completely alone in a place where there's reported and heavily active demonic activity = DUMB.

But yeah, exactly what I wanted to see lol.

If there was ever proof needed that fear = supernatural activity...


If you missed it, you WANT to "get" it. It beats everything they've done on the Travel Channel ones.


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Best of all, they caught on film, illuminated, a brick just pick itself up and go flying.




I wish my comp was better. I want to slomo the spinning camera scene to pull the faces I thought I saw out.


Sadly, I'm lucky if I can just play a video from point A to point B without having to restart VLC on this piece of Frankensteined junk.

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Best of all, they caught on film, illuminated, a brick just pick itself up and go flying.



Sometimes you have such long comments, that I miss a few details. :P



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