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Nice Answer



Why do Lego look so delicious but taste so bad?

As your parents probably told you when you were young, there are some things that shouldn't be eaten. Lego bricks are one of them. Please keep them away from your mouth.

I lol'd. :lol:




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Guest kopakanuva13


Wait-- We're not supposed to be putting them in our mouths?

Boy, have I been doing it wrong.


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where's this from?


My bro told me that paintchips were delicous.

*noms on paintchips*

I know someone who did that.


She stopped growing at like 7. >_>



You probably shouldn't link to that site. Due to the fact that the side bar on the left harbors some unsavory links. So yeah.



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O_o @ Bunda


Question is more funny than answer.

The answer is funny 'cause it's so serious. :P

where's this from?


My bro told me that paintchips were delicous.

*noms on paintchips*

I know someone who did that.


She stopped growing at like 7. >_>



You probably shouldn't link to that site. Due to the fact that the side bar on the left harbors some unsavory links. So yeah.



I'm pretty sure BZP has linked to it a few times...



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I'm pretty sure BZP has linked to it a few times...



In the news...but considering I addressed this issue earlier, I'll say that TBB is better at watching their language and content than from what I have seen from Gizmodo.



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