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The 44th President Of The U S A Is...



Barack Obama is now the 44th President (elect) of the United States.


He secured this position by winning in California, gaining the 55 EC votes he needed to win.




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He is not the 44th president.


He is the president-elect. Unless something extremely wacky goes on December 15 when the electoral college votes, he will be sworn in on January 20th.


Until then, George Bush is still president.

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Well, yes, but he's been -chosen- to be the 44th president. Never once has the Electoral College elected a different president than they were determined to on election night. And it's perfectly accurate to say "Obama is the 44th President of the United State," because that's what he is, even if he's not president yet. Just like how Clinton is the 42nd President, even though he's not President now.
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I'm very happy with the result.


I also have much respect for the way McCain mannered himself at his speech. He handled himself well, showed much respect for Obama, and basically told his crowd to shut it when they booed at the mention of Obama.

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I'm very happy with the result.


I also have much respect for the way McCain mannered himself at his speech. He handled himself well, showed much respect for Obama, and basically told his crowd to shut it when they booed at the mention of Obama.

Mm, yeah, very gracious.


Probably should have been paying more attention. I just have MSNBC online open, and the speakers on. So if I'm reading a forum I get distracted. XD But I absorbed most of it.

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Did you guys notice how, in the 2000 election, the Democrats screamed for recount afte recount, but in this election, they didn't demand one recount?

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Did you guys notice how, in the 2000 election, the Democrats screamed for recount afte recount, but in this election, they didn't demand one recount?

Why scream for a recount when you won an electoral landslide. It's also a pretty wide margin in the popular vote, so why demand a recount. This election wasn't even close. The 2000 election was decided by less than 1000 votes, that's why recounts were asked for.

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