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America Is Back To Goodness





Good to being back to actually being able to take in the stuff my WWII-veteran grandfather taught me about liking America now that we're likable by more than some of us again. ^^


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Well, the reason the other nations will like us is because Obama will let them bomb us. The only reason that the other nations hate us is because we did so well, and we thrived as a free market and a capitalist nation. With Obama as president, those will change. Trust me, if you make over $150,000 a year, then your life will be miserable within the first year.


For that reason, my uncle believes only a second Revolution will change this. I believe him. We're going to have to retake our nation from the liberals just like we did the British.

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Well, I didn't/don't really support him, but good for him. :)


I like what he said in his acceptance speech about not forcing his will onto the American people.


Comment above me: ...oookaaay then.

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The only reason that the other nations hate us is because we did so well, and we thrived as a free market and a capitalist nation.


For that reason, my uncle believes only a second Revolution will change this. I believe him. We're going to have to retake our nation from the liberals just like we did the British.

1) LOL, I'm Canadian and I can say that isn't true.



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Well, the reason the other nations will like us is because Obama will let them bomb us. The only reason that the other nations hate us is because we did so well, and we thrived as a free market and a capitalist nation. With Obama as president, those will change. Trust me, if you make over $150,000 a year, then your life will be miserable within the first year.


For that reason, my uncle believes only a second Revolution will change this. I believe him. We're going to have to retake our nation from the liberals just like we did the British.


I sense a flame war on the horizon...






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To prevent any further political discussion, as this has gotten in to what isn't allowed in the rules...


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