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I Hate My Life.



I hate my life.


Most of my friends hate me and keep setting me on edge by threatening to tell the school about how I'm crushing on one girl if I do anything they don't like. Almost everybody in the school is a #####, including that one kid who's already pretty much taken up position as that girl's 'boyfriend'. Nobody likes talking to me. My Mom makes me keep playing the Piano which bites hard, even though I really want to play the guitar. People are insulting me and keep announcing to the class false accusations. One of my friends uses me as a totem pole to punch and made me feel like a piece of ##### yesterday after hitting me in the stomach and arm.


My Mom just made me get a haircut making me look really nerdy and I feel stupid. My French class is depressing and so is my animation class. My life is boring and pretty much sucks and I'm depressed and I'm depressed. I'm also depressed.


If this goes on, some bones are going to get broken or my sanity's going to snap. I really hate that one kid that likes the girl I do, cause he always scowls at me whenever I'm around. I REALLY hate him.


EDIT: thnx for the advice, guys. Still kind of depressed, so I won't put a smiley here until I'm cheerful..


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It gets better.


Or maybe you just start to think differently.


I don't know.


But you have an animation class? That's cool. I'd do an animation class if we had one.


And you have two Jetraxes! =O


"It could be worse, you could be bald and have a big nose."

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You know what? You really just have to tough it out, and all these problems will (probably) go away. This same kind of thing happened to me in grade four. The only real difference is the whole girl/boyfriend thing wasn't happening since it was only grade four. It happened for almost the entire year, until finally my horrible teacher decided my problems were worth her precious time and dealt with it. With about a month left in the school year.


So anyways, you just have to deal with it until it goes away. Worked for me.


And you know what else? I came out of grade four a better and stronger person.


- :f: :flagcanada:

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Yes, Varaka, that is extremely close to my age. Just take away one year. :P But yeah, I know a bunch of kids my age that have girlfriends.


TFC: The problem is I can't really report it to any teachers, cause it won't do anything. Just looking at somebody wrong constantly doesn't really deserve a huge report. The other reason I'd like to keep under cover, too..But I'll do something about it.


*hugs Varaka and EW*

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Man, you are WAY too young to be worrying about a chick being loved on by another dude.


Get to around age 25, THEN start worrying about getting some.


If this goes on, some necks are going to get snapped or my sanity's going to break.

Violent thoughts are great in the right situation, but not this stuff. If you're serious about head-snapping, and over a CHICK, your sanity's already broken.


Calm down. Slow down. Ignore your 11 year old friends who are out doin' what they're doin'. No good can come of it at your current age. (Not usually, anyway).

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Yes, Varaka, that is extremely close to my age. Just take away one year. :P But yeah, I know a bunch of kids my age that have girlfriends.

Now I consider that way to early.

You shouldn't worry about that till you're older

and some people are going to like you, some aren't.

For now, just be a kid. Tell those guys you don't like their additude,

If that doesn't work. I'd get the parents involved.

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Hugs: the stuff of life.




Edit: "ree?" What? o.O



Man, you are WAY too young to be worrying about a chick being loved on by another dude.


Get to around age 25, THEN start worrying about getting some.


If this goes on, some necks are going to get snapped or my sanity's going to break.

Violent thoughts are great in the right situation, but not this stuff. If you're serious about head-snapping, and over a CHICK, your sanity's already broken.


Calm down. Slow down. Ignore your 11 year old friends who are out doin' what they're doin'. No good can come of it at your current age. (Not usually, anyway).

Yeah, I guess I should wait for a few more years. Nobody's gonna get they're head snapped off over anything like that, that's not what I meant. Just people keep using me as a punching bag all the time and I'm freaking sick of it. <.> Not that I'd ever really want to break somebody's neck, and the guilt would be too much. Then of course the parents would get into and I'd probably be grounded for life, etc..


I'll take what you said into consideration. :)


You wanna hug, too, Jinzo? :)



I think he does.


Jinzo's right. :)


I would chain quote him, buuuuuut...



I'll take what he said into consideration x2.


Yes, Varaka, that is extremely close to my age. Just take away one year. :P But yeah, I know a bunch of kids my age that have girlfriends.

Now I consider that way too early.

You shouldn't worry about that till you're older

and some people are going to like you, some aren't.

For now, just be a kid. Tell those guys you don't like their additude,

If that doesn't work. I'd get the parents involved.





*keeps freaking out about my stupid haircut*

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@EW: Agreed. :D Why is it that everyone gets mad at me when I hug 'em in school? Pfft...what's the gender matter? xP


All right, school's a problem for most everyone--I suggest you ignore it. Let your hair grow out and talk to your mom about not having it cut like that, and that you don't like it. My mom understood that, even if she wasn't happy with me...I haven't had a haircut since May. xD


The trick is not letting it get you down, but shrugging it off, standing it up, and letting it go. That's what I've done, and it's actually made me more respected and more liked around school. I used to be that nerdy teacher's pet who was always silent and never talking, socially withdrawn.


An optimistic view on life is most important, having a hobby (which, since you're on a BIONICLE forum, you obviously do) and having some sort of spiritual connection--I don't care what religion, just make sure you have someone to talk to, spiritually, privately.


And have some friends around you, online and in the real world. Look, as long as you have people that TRULY care about you, that's all that really counts.


Keep us updated on what's happening, please. :)




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*keeps freaking out about my stupid haircut*











hey look all caps



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Mom was the one who game me haircuts for a long time, then I thought her work was cruddy and she was a butcher, so I opted for the more proffesionals. I discovered there was no difference between Mom's work and their work, other than the fat bill that was included with the hairkill.


Another thing is that I was always trying to get straight hair, something Mom could not help in and proffesionals just lauded my waves saying that it was all too pretty to turn curly. >.< Pfft.


That's where I decided to just do it my own way, since "nobody understands me *sniff*." //.O



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If you happen to have a slab of metal or thin wood that you can hold in one place under your shirt (like with staples or something), there's a really awesome thing you can do to never have to worry about being beat on again. It does take a little skill to pull off, but.. Wanna hear? Fine.

MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHERE THE WOOD IS. I can't stress this enough. It must also be a windy day. Anyways, put a stapler in your backpack on said windy day. Wear a scarf, but don't tie it much so it can flap in the wind. When you and your 'friends' are walking to school from the bus, make a comment that the scarf flapping around is driving you crazy. Then take the stapler out of your backpack and staple the scarf to your chest, making sure to hit the wood.

See how long it is before they tease you again.


As for the girl thing.. Dude, if you really think about it, all that comes of romantic relationships that early is heartbreak and awkward friendships. If you like somebody, just go be friends with them. You can have a lot more fun, cuz you don't have to worry about keeping up the girl/boyfriend thing. Middle and high school life is just so much easier without the whole bf/gf thing. And if you last long enough at it, your friends (unless they're REALLY big #####) will start to respect you, as long as you make it clear you aren't trying for a gf, cuz it does no good.


Heh, doubt this helps, but there's 1 thought you can use to cheer yourself up..


At least you're not me!

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Hm. Should've replied earlier.


Anyways, you don't really have to report it to a teacher. Eventually they'll calm down. Over the Summer, you know?


But of course I can't really compare your situation to mine.


- :f: :flagcanada:

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Situations suck. Depression makes you look on the downside. A punching bag or some other stress relief can help......I used a wall. don't try it. it hurts your hand.


I hate haircuts. my hair is about 3-4 inches (7-9 centimeters) everywhere, it's always flat and straight. it rests nicely for months at one length. Then comes the month of haircut.


As for the girl thing..... Clear your head, focus on the future, or if she's happy, focus on that. Its worse when the guy going out with the girl you like is your best friend, the one you always hang around with. Kills me every time I see anything. He screamed out that I liked her to the whole class.


Moral: Snap at an inanimate object. Dont snap at school. you get in trouble.... lots of trouble.


good luck... and leave girls till about 15 at least.

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