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Live Debates!

Jedi Gali


Coming soon to a blog near you... :D


As I mentioned before, I will be hosting live debates between two members to discuss an issue. I would like to announce that the first is scheduled for this upcoming Saturday evening, November 8th, at 9:00 EST. The topic? Which BIONICLE year is better: '01 or '08? The debaters? The distinguished members Sorek and Exo-Fat will meet here to defend their point of view.


One thing I'd like beforehand is this: Please keep all comments to yourself while the debate is in play. Do not post anything in the entry where it is taking place! If you do, I'll delete it immediately. I want to keep it clean and easy to follow for all the viewers. After it is finished, I'll open a comment entry for you to discuss the debate. Thank you for your cooperation. :)


One more thing. If you'd care to promote this, Toa Optimar- Toa of Gravity has kindly made me a great banner:




Please feel free to use it! I hope you come and watch what should be an exciting discussion!


:kaukau: -JG


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So, it'll be in an entry?


Sounds awesome.


I wanna participate! =O

Yep, you got it! It'll take place right here in the latest entry. I already have two people lined up for the next one, but you could possibly do the one after.


Could I be a debater next time? PM me if I can! :)


-Nuju Metru

Again, it's be the 15th of November before there are any open slots. I'll be sure to PM you in the future to discuss the details. ;)


:kaukau: -JG

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Hi JG, this is just a quick question I sorta forgot to ask you in the beginning, um...did you want that banner I made you to be a different color other than red? I found out how to tweak it a bit and make it green, or blue if you'd like :)



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Hi JG, this is just a quick question I sorta forgot to ask you in the beginning, um...did you want that banner I made you to be a different color other than red? I found out how to tweak it a bit and make it green, or blue if you'd like :)



Um, I like the red. I think it looks very classy the way it is, thanks. :)


:kaukau: -JG

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I will defeat you all in the debate. Even those who aren't debating :evilgrin:


Seriously though, may the best debater win (I plan to).

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All right. I'm here. I had to make dinner for my siblings. My mom might call me away some time during the debate. So let's get this party started.

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