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Just A Little Clarification On My Roflnecrawnz



Yeah, this is essentially a filler until Blogworthy stuff comes along.




I love Necrons. Everyone knows that- if you don't, you live under a rock thick then me.


Why do I love Necrons so much? Well, the number one reason is because I love their appearence. I love robots- I always have, heck, I was drawing robots of all shapes and sizes since I was in first grade. I just love the idea of aritificial life, which I personally view as being the greatest feat mankind has yet to achieve: dethrone the notion that only God could create life from nothingness. This is also why I loved Bionicle so much. An entire world were even the animals had things like tank treads just drove me bonkers.


Second of all. I also love skeletons.


I'm not sure how it happened, especially since someone like myself faints at the first notion of surgery and whatnot. But yes, I love skeletons. My mother's brother's wife is a medical expert, and I remember she used to have this tiny replica skeleton at their house. I always loved playing with the thing, and much to my own dissapointment, I no longer remember where it is despite the fact that I was given it. That's just one reason I love them.


Also, while some love skeletons purely because they're a symbol of death- this can be interpreted as emo, sadly. I'm not emo- I don't want to be emo. So yet why do I love the skeleton? It's because I view the skeleton as something of the rawest sense of beauty.



*I didn't draw that, by the way*


Anyone can draw something and call it art. But the skeleton is art that nature created. Articulate, bilateral symmetry, a functioning factory of blood and tissue that also upholds us and shapes us humans into what we are. While the skeleton needs the muscles to do it's job, the skeleton is still the greatest piece of engineering that ever came forth from the void of nature and evolution. And for someone like me that relies on "skeletons" to draw and build arituclate Bionicle creations, I find the skeleton an amazing piece of work in both functionality and as artwork- be it graceful or macabre or anywhere in between. The skeleton is rich in symbolism, and one can draw so many different meanings out of it.


It's also why I loathe emos- they dragged the skeleton down into the general slum of an idea that anyone who loves skeletons wants to be dead or something like that. Nuh-uh. I view the skeleton as a symbol of both life AND death, which is why you often see me incorporate them into my art and designs when I get the chance.


You put those two together, and you've got the Necrons- the perfect fit army for me. I could go into all the technical Warhammer babble too, but I have a feeling you don't want to hear that.




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Not emo that you're thinking of. Goths and cheap, plastic, Halloween decorations can be blamed for the skeletal cliché.

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Not emo that you're thinking of. Goths and cheap, plastic, Halloween decorations can be blamed for the skeletal cliché.




Yeah, I guess you're right, actually. I get goths and emos mixed up a lot of the time 8/

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Skeletons aren't vewed as beautiful by most people, but I would say that they are interesting, mysterious things. Most view them as a symbol of death, but the whole point of a skelton is to help us stay alive, so they are a symbol of life and death. Some people are actually scared of bones, but I find them fascinatingly eerie.


Ka-chan, I think you got the whole description down pretty well there.

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I have a preferences to the muscle system. :>


But skeleton is quite interesting as well. Just warping the spine or the skull and you get something that looks like Geiger did it.


Though the skeleton in the first pic is too stiff in the spine, thar. :0

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I liked the Necrons for their mystery. They weren't as obvious as other factions, it seemed to me.


Hee hee, skeleton robot. Somehow, that doesn't quite work for me.



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I liked the Necrons for their mystery. They weren't as obvious as other factions, it seemed to me.


Hee hee, skeleton robot. Somehow, that doesn't quite work for me.



Yeah, that is true. There's no particular outright explanation to them. Leaves a lot open for fluff as well ;3

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