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I just found my old computer that has Windows 3.1 on it in the attic! XD! I had this when I was like, 3. And I loved it. Even though some of the features hadn't fully matured. Like, Paint wasn't really Paint...it was 80% done...it was just...Pain. And the predecessor to Microsoft Word was this blue screen that you could never get out of. Ever. You had to press random buttons in the hope of getting out of the program, which in turn produced stories that looked like this :


3 year-old me : Get wout of the bwue scween, mister compuwter!

Computer : fi9302..s's'


'tis probably why I'm so mentally damaged today. And I say that with a straight face. :P


Ah yes, everything has to be run from the DOS command prompt. I always wondered what DOS meant. I thought it was Microsoft being stupid and misspelling "DOH", because it isn't too far off. The only commands missing is "/go ; fetch drink" or something. I don't even think that's the correct format. Right now it's making a whirring noise, and placing obscenities on the screen. So I don't think it's going to be fetching any drinks anytime soon.


There's some games. There's one about Egypt, on here. Memphis Math. I have to solve math puzzles or I'll be eaten by cobras. RIGHTEOUSLY BITTEN! It's very realistic to Ancient Egypt, because it was made during the Old Kingdom period of Ancient Egypt. So that's...um...cool.


After this computer, I believe I had a Windows '64...or...'95. Whatever it was. It could play such great classics of the game genre as Pajama Sam and Gizmos and Gadgets. Mmmmhmm.


Speaking of Egypt, though, that's what my history's about this first semester. Last year I had Canada. And even loving Canada and all their maple leaves and moose, Egypt is way cooler than Canada. Egypt's way cooler than a lot of countries. How modern civilization really all started in Egypt. Pretty neat stuff.


So now, I've gotta go back to getting rid of this computer. Before it spews more obscenities on the screen and blinds my cat.


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Oh my... I just found my old system... Yikes. And you know what, it ain't a bad platform considering the times...


I yearn for the days of young.

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I yearn for the days of young.


I don't. Things are much better now...for me. :P


And yeah, I'm pretty sure that Windows 3.1 never came around my way. Man, you're old...ish. :P





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So... your ancient platform got a virus and is not blinding your cat with obscenities. That's diffy.


And I think I just made up the word diffy. I don't know what it means yet, though.


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Yeesh, I had a 3.1 too. Except for the fact it died when we got a Windows 95. Apparantly it was jealous. :P


So then we got a 98, then an XP, then my brother got an XP, then I got an XP, then my dad built an XP, then my brother got Vista beta, then he got a laptop with XP...


Sorry for the rant...XD


Well, at least my 3.1 didn't spout obscenities.



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