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Blood Shoots From Ears.



Or that's what I feel like.


Every day, I lift like a 300lb. electric scooter off the porch, likewise, lifting it back on the porch.


The other day, I did this like 4 times because we kept going out all day.

Later in the day, I went bike riding (something I haven't done in years).


I wasn't really out of breath when I got home and I didn't feel exhausted. I lifted the bike onto the porch, put my keys in the door and then my ears went "PWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHRRRRRR" like I just went underwater.

I got vertigo and my vision went ALL the heck blurry.


I just stopped and stood there, looking around at things just to see how weird everything looked.


Finally going inside, I was hit with massive nausea, like that hot, sweaty feeling you get right before you hurl from drinking too much hard stuff too fast.


I just stood there about 2 minutes in the livingroom, not DARING to move.

Then I walked over to the diningroom table and sat down, putting my head on my arms like a kid in school lol.


Well, I didn't throw up, it all went away after about 10 minutes, but my ears are KILLING me.


Then today, I was lifting a freaking heavy box of diecast metal, BOOM. My ears feel like they're pushing outwards.


So like, huh?


I should also note that when my hearing first went crazy on the porch, I could hear the kids over at the playground (VERY far away) as if they were just a few feet from me... which is nuts... they were easily 500ft. away and not talking all that loud. That happened once or twice in my life before, but not from a trauma of some sort.


I'm now afraid to pick up anything heavier than a cracker. :wacko:


...This better be something that heals itself over time...


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I believe the phisical strain caused your ear liquids to be sent to the eardrum, or something like that, (if not a capillary in the ear being ruptured). That's about where my knowlege stops, and I dunno how to treat it, lol.



You needa get back in shape sometime, buddy. :P



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I believe the phisical strain caused your ear liquids to be sent to the eardrum, or something like that, (if not a capillary in the ear being ruptured). That's about where my knowlege stops, and I dunno how to treat it, lol.



You needa get back in shape sometime, buddy. :P




Pishaw. My explanation is totally better.

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A fistula (opening) is an abnormal connection between the inner ear and middle ear. The inner ear is filled with fluid, and the middle ear is filled with air. If a fluid leak occurs from the inner ear, hearing loss and dizziness commonly result. This kind of hearing loss often is cured by surgically repairing the fistula. Such leaks are usually caused by trauma. The trauma may be direct, such as a blow to the ear or a head injury in a car accident. However, it may also be the result of air pressure changes in an airplane trip, a forceful sneeze, or lifting a heavy object.





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Dang, nice work Arkie.


This kind of hearing loss often is cured by surgically repairing the fistula.


I'm guessing this one might just go away, as there's been no hearing loss that lasted.

Better just cool my jets for a week or two. Or three. No more lifting objects heavier than my own body. I think the unit's around 280-290, I'm more like 230-235.






That's catchy.

If I hurt myself, I promise to scream real loud, "Oh GOD, I hurt my FISTULA!"

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May I suggest finding a clinic? Precautions are best. If a doctor says you can wait it out, then great. If you actually require surgery, lest you go deaf in a few years (which NO one wants) I guess the precaution is worth it.


Get health insurance first if you don't. They won't cover anything if you get insurance after the problem is diagnosed by a professional.


This isn't a cut, remember. It's literally ALL IN YOUR HEAD.



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EW Doctors Inc. should be able to send a doc up your way to stick a microbot up your ear.


Then there is the scalpel and the pliers for the surgery...



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I'm a stubborn guy.


Aside from a quick physical or whiz test to get promotions and or hired at a job, I've really only ever gone to a hospital once. I was really young, maybe elementary. It was just for strep throat.


Aside from that... nothin'.


I FEEL fine. Well, I mean today the pain has lessened. Seems to be fixing itself.

I was asked to pick up that heavy scooter today and declined.

"No, not today. I don't feel like requiring surgery." :D


It'll be weeks before I do that again. Think I'll stay away from the bike, too.

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Aï. I'm tempted to see this as something really out-there weird with a hidden meaning and all, but I guess sometimes an injury is just an injury. Who knows?


Hope it gets better soon.


<o> <o>

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No, no covert, hidden political message. I really did just hurt my freakin' ears lol.

Good for you, for having the abstract thinking to even be looking for such things.

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Yeah, I'd at least see a doctor.


'Cause there's only three possibilities.


1) You need medical help for whatever reason.

2) You're fine.

3) You're developing your superpowers, along with everyone else in the world.


If #1, you better find out! If #2, you better find out. If #3, where's mine?

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I am kind of curious about that acute hearing part.

Am I to understand that my ears are configured WRONG, that having them accidentally fill up with fluid angles them to hear things really far away?


One other time that came to mind was... dang... like '96, '97 maybe.

It was like 900 degrees out and I was in the counting room at my job.

Two coworkers were in there with me.

I said, "Holy ####, it can't get any hotter today!"


I left, then went up to the front at customer service, a bit more than 30 feet away.


My hearing then did that "PWWWWWAAAAARHHHH" thing and sound was all fuzzy. The folders and papers and stuff I was flipping through in my hands sounded like someone had a microphone up to it, then I heard the guy go to the girl, whispering mind you, "Yeah, and he can't get any sweatier".


I turned around with my eyes popping out of my skull and yelled, "Yeah, and you couldn't be any backstabbier!".

They were like, "WHAT? You HEARD that!?!"


They asked me to repeat what they said, which I did. The rest of the day they acted weird and were running and telling others there what happened lol.


So like... maybe it's like that experimental surgery for eyes, where athletes have lasers cut down the outer layer a bit so they can see like an eagle (this technology is early, it's unknown yet if there's side effects down the road).

Maybe tilting part of the ear canal or something results in better hearing?


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Woke up this afternoon, still a lil' pain, nothing too bad.


Went out food shopping and like a MORON carried dozens of pounds of groceries back about 3/4s of a mile.

I started to get fidgety right as we were coming up on the house. It felt like if I'd gone too much further, junk was going to happen again.


But, I played it smart, not even bothering to put the groceries away (bending over = blood pressure to head... not good).

Everything's fine now. A little bit of pressure, clearly not 100% gone... but no hearing loss or irritating pain.

Me thinks me in the clear nao.


And again, thanks for that data, Arkie. I could very well have been (more) stupid today and REALLY loaded more bags on my arms if the "heavy lifting" part of what you pasted wasn't replaying in my mind.

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