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7 Years On This Site?



What the heck? I clicked on "past usernames" in my profile and noticed I'm coming up on 7 years here.


What's up with that?


For a moment I thought this might be the site I've had the longest account at, but then I realized the one over at... well, it's a site that has many flash videos and a cool flash portal with lots of blam. That one I've been at since like late 1999 or something.


Still... I feel like I need to do something festive. It'd be better to wait until like a 10 year anniversary, but I have a feeling world events may get in the way of that.




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World events?

*insert one of Jinzo's numerous conspiracy theories that cannot be discussed on BZPower because of the politics rules here*

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I have a feeling it may have to do with the physical availability of Internets... ??? CATERCALLISM FEAR!!!


2012, aha-ha, that's a good one!


<o> <o>

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It has to do with things that are obvious, if one is paying attention.


But it also has to do with things that if I told someone what I was talking about, I would not be able to look at them seriously if they believed.


What I meant about the 10th anniversary is simply I will probably already be gone from the internet completely by then. (No, not dead. Just impossibly busy doing my part.)

If one day you notice I've vanished, it won't be because we haven't paid the internet bill this time lol.

At that point, start paying attention to everything around you.


For now, I'm just going to live life normally and have fun as usual.

The best case scenario is I come back some day, everything's normal with people just rolling their eyes at me for saying weird things that make no sense. I'll do my best to have that happen.






...whee! Yeah, that wasn't too abstract! :lookaround: :ziplip: :crying:

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