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The Mahri Are Toast.



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Greg keeps dropping hint after hint that some Toa are gonna croak it. In TN's blog, a few times he's mentioned the fact that the Mahri were still in danger (like we didn't already know) and Dume wasn't to honor the Toa who died. Well, I think he's speaking in the plural, even if he didn't say Toas, so it's probably not just Matoro (who already had his party, anyway). And there was a hint in Final Battle that was along the same lines. So, I bet a couple of Mahri meet they doom. (And maybe a Hagah or two, but Gakki said just one would die, and everybody seems to be in agreement that Zaktan looks terrible as a snake, so he should just get it over with already.


Destiny Wars was cool too. (Have the others all been 8 minutes long? This is the first I've actually listened to in a long time... mostly I read them). Brutaka seems to be spouting spoilers for 09, although I didn't follow exactly. (I think it was something about Mata Nui's mission... you know, saying it without really saying what it is) Tridax's army is just pure win... as is Vezon. I'd like to see a real battle with him again... well, those new dudes. Turns out the BoM does have an Olmak... it wasn't confirmed that it was what was doing the teleportation, but you can give it a guess. And... yes, showdown with Tobrahk or whatever his name is... vs a Makuta. I hope Mazeka gets a few good blows in too. (Strange how they can just wander onto Destral. To quote from the Jackie Chan Adventures cartoon, "Security in this place stinks!"


And in other news, I can't wait to get out of the calculus mini series and physics. The homework and workload between the two is just staggering.




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<3 Jackie Chan Adventures!


"One more thing," interesting idea with the Mahri.


At least Matoro won't be lonely... Where ever he is. :P

Of course he isn't! He's not the first Toa to die, after all.



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I got the impression from that blog that it meant all the Toa of iron and Magnetism the Makuta killed off. Or perhaps the other Toa Mangai, picked off one by one thanks to Nidhiki, Krekka and Eliminator...

It's definitely in plural though

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