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Unused Keys



Why is it that I must press FN+insert for the Print Screen function, when I use Print screen 100% more of the time than I use the insert function?


Srsly, ppl.


Can I change this? Dig deep in the coding and switch a portion of it?


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: Whoever said nothing is impossible never tried nailing jello to a wall.


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I was so shocked when I got this laptop where I found that horrible error in keyboardery. It's an outrage!

Insert actually makes life harder.



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You don't have a printscreen key?


I do. It's hidden under the useless insert key. I have to use my left hand to press FN and my right hand to press insert (to activate Print Screen).



Oh, blargh. Mine's the other way around, printscreen's over insert.


Guh now I feel like gloating and that's bad.

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My solution? Buy an external keyboard. The wireless ones suck, but a cheep wired keyboard works wonders, and gives you all the keys your laptop is missing.


But strangely my laptop has prtsc.



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I kinda liked the insert key on the desktop at home. It was also next to the handy Home and End buttons. On my laptop the print screen and insert are separate keys, I don't use either of them all that much though I'm afraid.

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I kinda liked the insert key on the desktop at home. It was also next to the handy Home and End buttons. On my laptop the print screen and insert are separate keys, I don't use either of them all that much though I'm afraid.

Oh, I have Home and End. Can't live without those either.


My solution? Buy an external keyboard. The wireless ones suck, but a cheep wired keyboard works wonders, and gives you all the keys your laptop is missing.


But strangely my laptop has prtsc.



My laptop has prtsc! I thought we established that already.


I was tempted to buy an external keyboard, but moreso because my mom suggested it. I'm perfectly fine with using the laptop one, after using it for a while. Actually, I don't think I had a problem with it in the first place.


But yes, an external one could be wonderful, if not just for a number pad on the side. <3 number pads.



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Yes, we covered that, but you said you're prtsc is a secondary feature. Mine is the initial feature. :P So no "FN + INS" for me. :happydance:








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Assuming you never use Insert, you could just switch it to Printscreen with Keytweak. Google it.


'Cept Kewtweak doesn't work for Vista. At least, not with my computer.




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