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Star Trek Trailer



*Because I've put other Star Trek stuff in the Star Wars category before.


The latest trailer came out Monday and I'm impressed. I've only seen a bit of the original Star Trek series, but putting aside that they recast the characters, it looks good. As some Flickr members have said, this can either go well or just pitfall. There probably isn't middle ground.


I'm wondering if I'll see it. Y'see, the Wolverine movie comes out the week before, but I won't see that opening weekend due to finals. So my first weekend home that seems like an obvious choice. However, both my parents were Trekkies and are still fans (though I wonder if they even knew of this movie? Nah, they do.) though I don't know if they'll see this. Granted, they saw the latest movie, Nemesis. But they'll be the ones paying for the ticket if I get to tag along with them. That, or I see Wolverine and not this. Though they might wait a few weeks....


I've actually never seen a Star Trek movie all the way through. I should sometime, I hear there are some good ones. I think I'd prefer the ones with Picard; as I said I didn't view much of Star Trek.


If you haven't seen the trailer, I suggest you do so. You know where. I like what looks like Spock beaming down. That looks cool and different than usual, with the particles swirling around him.


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: If you’re interested in time travel, meet me last Thursday.


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Sylar is Spock! :o


Never been a big trekkie fan, but it's cool.




Edit: Dude, for the record, Bundalings and I posted athe same thought at about the same time... I did not steal it from him.

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Who's Sylar? I'm probably missing something.

(Shows you how much a Trek fan I am.)


I'm pretty sure the whale one is the first I would want to see. Everyone talks about it.



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How can you not know why Sylar is? :blink:


Okay, I viewed it too. It looks like it has potential... a good idea from the 1970s with 21st century digital technology.



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How can you not know why Sylar is? :blink:



I don't even have time to read your epic. I'm lucky I put aside an hour each night for my Firefly with my friends. Other than that I don't care for TV. If I did have time, a hallmate has the Heroes first season, so I'll start with that. It looks like a cool series. I enjoy the X-Men at least, and this is just a little more...dramatic, right?



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Heroes is meh. If you have time to kill, watch it, but it's nothing great. Well, maybe it is if you don't have Lost to compare it to, buuuuut...


I'd be tempted to get into Lost as well, if someone had the series. but from what I hear about all the confusion and whatnot, I'm weary.

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