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Don't Talk To Me



Until I get it finished (I figure by 4, that'll give me 11 hours, not including dinner), I'm writing a History paper.

But sometime in between then and now I also have to find four similar subjected editorials by two same writers, one conservative and one liberal. I also have to find some sort of French news bit that I can later present on (en Francais) for 6 minutes.


I also have a Calculus test next Tuesday. I really really need to do well on this. So my plan was to study my brains out all weekend long and Monday.


Then I go to my ULLC and find out that next Tuesday I also have to write a 5-10 minute speech. OK, not too bad, I like making a fool of myself infront of my class, so why am I so worked up? Because I really don't have time to write a speech, practice my heart out of it, and be satisfied. That's like...like...like asking me to write a 5-10 minute speech in a day and expecting it to be good. So if I can get this done on Saturday and then revised on Sunday and learned by Monday I'll be happy, but worrying if my point will get across and if I'm going to fail my math test which I didn't study as much for.


I guess I can forget about seeing a school play this weekend. If I'm lucky my friends will want to watch Howl's Moving Castle on Saturday. And maybe I'll have time to watch Firefly Sunday and Monday night. Oh, but wait, I need to watch two episodes I missed before then. Friday afternoon, maybe, but I'll just be worrying about my speech.


OK, I'm going to have fun with the speech, if I get it done correctly. I really wish my teacher had told us about this two weeks ago, then I might have actually written it already. But my impossible math course is getting in the way.




There, you just a glimpse of how my mind works. Don't expect it again.


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: And God said, “Let there be CHOCOLATE,” and He saw that it was good...real good.


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I hate days like that.


Worst of all when none of it comes together at the end and you end up getting bad grades on it all. ><

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Improvise the speech. I did that for a final in high school once, and it soooo paid off. (Other times, it hasn't been quite as good, but whatev)


Haha, I get to see a school play this weekend! Unfortunately, I also have a physic midterm on Monday. Yeah, you think you have it hard with business calculus... try the real deal and see how you like that.



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