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Three Years On Bzpower

Auserv: Toa-Kal of Emotion


Tomorrow, I will have had an account on BZPower for three years to the day. I would've done some sort of celecration, but I'd only have one day to prepare (you see, I just realized today that tomorrow is my 3-year BZP birthday XD), so this blog entry will have to suffice.


Back when I joined in 2005, it was the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Traditonally on my mom's side of the family, we have a Thanksgiving dinner at the house of one of my mom's sisters or my grandma's house. The year I joined was the most recent year we've had it at my house, up until this year, when it will be at my house again.


In late 2005, maybe around October, my brother bought two Bionicle books from the book fair at his school. I remembered Bionicle, that toy line I had grown out of a year earlier. Curious to see what had happened to Bionicle since the Toa Metru defeated Makuta, I read Bionicle Adventures 6. I still recognized most of the characters, and so I read Bionicle Adventures 7. Now interested in how the 2005 story would conclude, I bought Bionicle Adventures 8 myself and watched the third movie with my brother and his friend.


Later I got Time Trap, and I can safely say that Time Trap is single-handedly responsible for getting me hooked on Bionicle again. Now the flashback story had ended, and there was a whole new world outside of Mata Nui and Metru Nui, and there was a whole Brotherhood of Makuta... This was simply too well-crafted of a story to turn away from again. I bought the Bionicle Encyclopedia and all the books I had missed, and read the entire series from Bionicle Chronicles 1 to Bionicle Adventures 10.


Eventually I came to BZPower while looking for Bionicle websites to learn more from. Within a day or two, I had an account. Two days later I made my first post. Over the next three years, I would make nearly 1000 more. (A shame that I couldn't reach 1000 in three years, because it would've been so cool to make my 1000th post on the day I had been a member of BZP for three years... But maybe I'll reach 2000 by the time I hit 5 years. =P)


My 1-year BZP anniversary passed without much consequence, and my 2-year anniversary was given a little mention earlier in this blog. In fact, this blog was made about two weeks before that 2-year anniversary (and was made on the same day I went Premier).


So to celebrate my 3-year BZP anniversary and this blog's 1st birthday (if 2 weeks late), I'm changing the theme. The emoticons are going bye-bye (the war against them was won recently, and in a later entry I'll reveal how), and the blog is going to receive a writing theme. I'll be changing the title, content blocks, etc., in accordance with this.


Hoping for several more long years on BZP! ^_^


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*whistles* Man, you've been here for quite a longer time than me. Your first post was also way less noobish than mine.








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*whistles* Man, you've been here for quite a longer time than me. Your first post was also way less noobish than mine.








Heh, three years went by really quickly. And yeah, I guess I never really went through the noob stage, lol. I also haven't matured at all. ^^'


Hello, noob. Whoops, I'm more of a noob than you. And you changed your blog theme! And I almost forgot to tell you, it's my birthday too!

Ah, so it was a good day for you too, lol. And yup, the blog theme has been changed at long last.


Lol congrats on 3 years :). I like the new theme, will you put up tips for writing? (I'm aiming to be an author when I'm older, so... yeah :))

Thanks. =) And yeah, I was planning to have writing tips. Probably the way I'll run the blog would be a weekly (or bimonthly, if I can't manage weekly) update on what I've been writing and whatever else I feel like talking about, along with a writing tip tacked on to the end of each entry to make it a regular feature.


...Since I'm bored and it's Saturday in this time zone, I might as well do the entry now and make the weekly updates come on Saturdays. So...we can continue this conversation in the new entry once I make it, lol.

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