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Three More Years Ago

Tufi Piyufi


So three years ago today, I became a moderator. Standard blue-type, nothing too fancy yet. I go in Sets; considering the catalogue wounds were still fresh, a given. Movies and Books; hey, Mask of Light just came out, the place needed all the help it could get. BBC... I'd actually been poked towards asking for BBC, and since I didn't know what in blue blazes I wanted in terms of forums, I figured 'what the heck.'


Over time, I picked up Artwork and G&T, got assigned to Artwork II through that bit of forum mitosis, temped in S&T (yes, you heard me... hey, an assignment's an assignment), finally got into GD (once a GD Junkie, always a GD Junkie), dropped G&T, lost M&B somewhere along the way, and I've even had my name on the contest voting forum a few times. And then, a good while later, I got guest keys to all the forums anyway.


But BBC has always been the unchaging, permanent fixture of my lineup. Not that I mind, as I have kinda grown to absolutely love it to bits. Yeah... you might've been able to tell that already.


I mostly remember it was today since it was a very good week in general: school was back in, the 'What Will You Make?' tour was in town, I met up with the local club at said tour, impressed them with my ability to touch Bionicle pieces and not recieve unholy burns (this was a few years ago, you must remember)... It was a very good week.


So, in short, wow. Three years. Wow.


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Catalogue wounds, lol.


And I know there's still a little place in that evil heart of yours for G&T still. There just has to be.


Yeah, three years is a long time. Really is. I'm sure you loved torturingmodding every second of it.


Here's to three more years. I suppose I could hold off on any plotting until then. ;)


Er, yeah, and I'm still waiting. D:

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Three years: that's twice as long as my longest uninterrupted time at any single job. Is it dedication? Perhaps. Ambition? Maybeh. But divine right? Without a shadow of a doubt.


Here's to the next three.



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Took me seven years to get a degree, what's three years compared to that?


I think I'm at about three years of staffmanship by now, too, what with my break from staff duties.

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