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I Hate Swords

Takua the Wanderer


No, not because of Kraggh. I've hated swords for ages. He just inspired me to actually post this. :P

I don't hate Lightsabers though. ^_^



Oh, and on the subject of hate, I don't actually hate my brother. Just the things he does.

Then again, since people are defined by what they do, I suppose I do hate him. :blink:


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I think he means ridiculous swords, like, you know, Cloud from FF wielding I stupidly ridiculous broadsword as if it weighs the same as a dagger.

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Ugh...as much as I strive to get away from Kung-Fu Panda...>_<


But, I didn't really understand, at first - do you not like swords, like all swords, everywhere, real-life and fictional, or do you just not like Bionicle swords?


I'm sorry, but I not only found that movie hilarious, but very enjoyable. :D



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My twin bro's class is watching it. :glare:


All I do in MY Advisory class is reflect light in people's eyes with my watch. It's so fun...man, that one kid's probably going to beat me up someday. :D

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I haven't seen it, but just recently got it. :happydance:


Watch it. It's truly a funny movie, unlike most of the 'comedy' movies out there today.



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