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The Price Of Canon



I'm bored, and that has never boded well for this blog, because crazy-long posts ensue. Now, you shall suffer or else stop reading... and really, why would you want to do the latter? :o (Okay, really, I'll try to minimize any suffering. I promise. Kay?)


Now, as some of you should know... the Bionicle storyline has advanced. Things that we thought we knew have been turned up on their head. See spoiler for examples.


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  • Mata-Nui the island is a random chunk of land in an endless ocean, and the entire universe is underground. Nothing else up there in the universe of 01-03. Nada.
  • Makuta isn't just a single guy who actually is big MN's bro. He's a particular member of a whole subspecies named Makuta. And guess what, his name isn't even close to sounding like Makuta, it's Terry!
  • Oh yeah, as it turns out, Mata-Nui the Great Spirit is Mata-Nui the island. Or, more particularly, the island is his FACE! So the whole "universe" is actually part of a guy's insides, while he frolics in space spying on planets.


And more.


Basically, mysteries we've taken for granted are being solved. We know the Bohrok's true purpose, we know the extent of Matoran civilization (see new map on front page), and we even know who Lhii really way! :o Now, the problem comes in the form of fan fiction, where those of us with some creativity try to give our own answers to life's Bionicle's mysteries. Over time, when the mysteries get solved and we're proven to be totally, completely wrong, our "canon" work now becomes "OMG, noobish offstory stufflike substance." Which isn't particularly a bad thing, as suggested by a particular poll. But it does degrade stories that we would otherwise like to think would fit in nicely with the official storyline.


I don't have any gripes about this. Most of my stories are made to fill in empty spaces of the storyline, or to provide "what if" statements... what if such and such happened at a given time. That stuff. And now some of my stories dating back from 03 don't quite fit in so well with the Bionicle story of today. So, mind me as I list some of my epics and say how they stack up to today's canon.


But be warned... I will reveal spoilers from my stories, so if you want to read them but "I just don't has the timez!" them be warned. Read them, write out a lengthy reply to them, and then read this blog (and then comment). It all works. :P


My epics (in chronological order from when I started them... roughly.)


The Final Battle

Description: The Bahrag go on a rampage across Mata-Nui, and the Toa and Makuta form an unlikely alliance to stop them.

Canon?: No. First of all, there was a big thing about Mata-Nui (the spirit's) connection to the island. He was just a being like Makuta, connected (spiritually) to the island, which in being destroyed was killing him. Except the Bohrok were actually helping him out... oops. Oh, and Makuta had a change of heart... yeah, like that would ever happen. That, and he left in the end. Wouldn't that have been the best... Makuta changes his mind, has mercy, and leaves in 02. Ha. That was messed up.


Time Disruption

Description: When Tahu loses control of the Vahi, six Matoran go to a new reality where Makuta and the Bahrag rule the island of Mata Nui with an iron fist.

Canon?: No. This is really a bummer, because I tried really hard to keep it in context as the story dove into 04 and 05. But it just doesn't add up. The Bahrag never had desires to control the island... that was all Makuta. And the universe was created when they tapped into the energy of the Vahi... Makuta didn't manipulate them, they did it on their own. And it doesn't really fit in with Makuta's plan either... if Mata Nui is really dying, why is he playing prison camp with the Matoran on his FACE instead of scheming below the surface? There are other things that were messed up too... I had Toa energy and elemental energy split up a few times, the Exo Toa weren't a miracle machine for use by Toa, but actually something Makuta uses himself. So while the canon part of the story makes sense (they return to a point before time was disrupted, and change things so time is never disrupted in the first place, thus never creating the alternate universe) the alternate universe itself doesn't fit in correctly. Oh well, it was still a kick butt story. :D


A Bionicle Christmas:

Description: Toa Santa is missing, and the Grinch is on the loose, and Kapura must find a way to save Christmas. :xmas:

Canon: Aside from the whole "they don't celebrate such a holiday, so there would be no reason for there to be a Toa Santa or a Grinch rahi to contest him" it wasn't too bad. Unfortunately, since the former is quite a big part of the story, this is a resounding "No" for an answer.


The Tale of Jeni

Description: A unlikely Matoran must become a hero to save her island.

Canon: Far from it. It was supposed to take place on an island north of Mata-Nui... in the endless ocean where islands don't exist. :annoyed2: Oops. The Turaga was also a former Toa of Time... except Time isn't an element Toa control. Oops. And the main villain was a insectisoid Dark Hunter who was kin to Nidhiki. Well, Nidhiki wasn't originally an insect, now was he, and the Dark Hunters were more bounty hunters and hitmen rather than evil "control the universe" dudes... that position went to the BoM. Oops. And the whole story in general... a irregularly tiny Matoran turns into a ginormous Toa... The story could have gone somewhere if I kept at it, but it's no great loss. (Oh, and it had intelegent organic Giant Squid. I do hope to use this concept again)


Slizers on Mata Nui

Description: The Slizers help the Matoran fight against the Zarxec. Ongoing story.

Canon?: Could be. It's still in progress, so I can still try to correct any misconceptions. The main problems; this is assuming the rest of the universe has been ignorant of what's going down in Metru-Nui, which isn't highly likely. And the whole "Zaru-Nui" history is now a mess... a sister city to Metru Nui. But perhaps... it was supposed to be a backup if Metru-Nui was ever destroyed... it is located north of the city, so theoretically it could just be further up in MN's head. And the Zarxec are mostly organic... but their original Master is said to have come from the outside and taken over... perhaps from outside MATA-NUI HIMSELF!! And we still don't know what his master plan is... mostly because I haven't thought it through. Maybe... just maybe... it is similiar to Terry's.


However, this brings up the probem again that, would the BoM let this worm controlling dude have control over the city and jeapordize their plans? I wouldn't think so. And, this was supposed to start at the end of 2003, where Mata-Nui was at the point of iminent death. Well, I think the universe would be destroyed already if this had really happened. So there are a few minor errors, but who knows... maybe I can self correct them in the future.


Kulagi's Kanoka

Description: Kulagi has some fun on Metru-Nui and takes down Gragu.

Canon?: Guess what. YES! This story didn't address any of the big, now solved mysteries. It dealt a little with EP, some of which may not be perfectly canon. It also described the making of Kanoka discs, in which my methods are probably more complex than the official ways (which, to my knowledge, hadn't been released when I first wrote the story) But the timing works; it's set in pre Toa Metru-Nui, where they have Dume and the Vahki but no Lhikan, no Dark Hunters, and no Makuta... just Gang Matoran. It could have easily happened in that period of time which marks "Metru-Nui's golden years." Can I brag about this one? You bet.


Voya-Nui Story

Description: A short tale of the Voya-Nui Resistance Team's struggle against the Piraka.

Canon?: Mostly. If you follow the strick timeline of events on Voya-Nui, then there's no room for this little venture. But if you give it some leeway... some time between the capture of the Toa Nuva and the arrival of the Toa Inika... it doesn't break any big rules. (Okay, so Avak's axe can't shoot stuff, and maybe Zaktan isn't quite so immune to sonic blasts. Trivial.)


Many Aventures

Description: Ongoing story following Treglar and Rahlu.

Canon?: You tell me, we're not done yet. It's supposed to take place on a big continent... not outside the influence of the struggles of the Matoran universe but not quite in the action. However, it's not the north continent or the south continent... and judging by the Matoran universe's map, there's not much room for an entire continent. Anyway, this one really isnt meant to be too canon...


Mystery on Keli-Nui

Description: My mystery story that none of you have read yet!!

Canon: Yeah. Most of the problems here come with location, but it's not that bad, considering I wrote it last summer with 7.5 years of Bionicle knowlegde to go off of. The city itself was set on the northern end of one of the continents... or an unnamed island, I can't remember which. The story mosty took part in just the city, so if you can find room for that in the Matoran universe, you're good. It was also supposed to be part of Krika's territory. Really, the worst part of this story is it's LACK OF REVIEWS!!


So my tally is 3 stories that mostly work and 1 that could (it's still in progress). Yay for canon in the Bionicle world!


What's your tally? :blink:




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TtW raises a good point, which I should have addressed in that topic. One can consider fan fictions as alternate realities, so in that way they ARE canon, no matter what happens in them.

At least, that's what I tell myself when I learn new BIO info and realise it makes my epics completely inaccurate in that sense. :P

So, my tally is 0.5 out of 2 epics. 0.5 because one is quite close to being canon, just only minor details ruin things. Out of my two short stories...probably both could be canon, as they were both set on Mata Nui during the time of Mata Nui and all that.



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