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Why Me?

Nuju Metru


Why do I get so much Homework?

Why can't I ever draw an ENTIRELY satisfactory piece?

Why don't I ever get enough sleep?

Why am I totally unattractive?




-Nuju Metru




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Do you think you got much homework? Right now, I have two long stories to write, three pages in my Science-book to write ( Yeah, write, not make. On my school, we make most of our books ourself), two pages of german homework (In "Gut Gemach", the most boring german book I´ve ever had. Then again, it´s also my first german book), and an illustration to each of these, except for the german.


Don´t be silly. You can draw that.


There doesn´t exist anything called "Not enough sleep". You can sleep too much, but not "not enough". That´s impossible.


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Do you think you got much homework? Right now, I have two long stories to write, three pages in my Science-book to write ( Yeah, write, not make. On my school, we make most of our books ourself), two pages of german homework (In "Gut Gemach", the most boring german book I´ve ever had. Then again, it´s also my first german book), and an illustration to each of these, except for the german.


Don´t be silly. You can draw that.


There doesn´t exist anything called "Not enough sleep". You can sleep too much, but not "not enough". That´s impossible.


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I have to write and illustrate a whole book in 2 days. :(


If you say so...


Yeah, there is. You're supposed to get 8 hours of sleep a night if possible. ;)


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Either unproductive teachers or classmates.

Dude, Your'e the best.

BZP calls you...

I stole your attractiveness. B)


-Agent 692


...Or having to perform in the Talent Show all week long, leaving me no homework time.


Thanks... but I'm NOT the best.


Indeed it does, but if I could have the choice of sleeping until 8:00, or BZPing for that time, most days, I'd choose to sleep. :P


You SUCK. :P


-Nuju Metru




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There doesn´t exist anything called "Not enough sleep". You can sleep too much, but not "not enough". That´s impossible.




Yeah, there is. You're supposed to get 8 hours of sleep a night if possible. ;)


-Nuju Metru


I am? I should´ve known that before...


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