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Ghost Hunting Shows



(Conversation begun here):



Hmm... might as well continue this, even if it's just me talking to myself lol.


Ghost Hunters S04E26 (series 4, episode 26) had some interesting things. Jay nad Grant heard a LOUD voice say "I like the one in the hat"... but it was a most non-credible thing. It sounded just like it had come off of a speaker. They looked for evidence of one, but couldn't.

Now, unless an entity managed to accidentally amplify their "voice" using some of the metal plates in the ceiling beams (like a piezo speaker, kind of) ...it sounded like someone was messing with them.


At the same time though, the girls heard a loud bang followed by finding a good size rock in a place where it wasn't before. A little harder to pull off, if indeed someone was playing games.

Likewise, they had success with the flashlight trick, but it didn't continue long enough to be truly useful.


The next place they visited was more debunking than anything else. The silverware that would move and make X patterns were found to be magnetic! It's not to say the owners were playing games on them. Some of my own silverware is like that (why? no idea.). Disembodied footsteps and other sounds were heard, though that anomaly is a dime a dozen in this game.


It wasn't a complete bust though... Jay thought he heard a refrigerator turn on, but later on in audio it came out as a voice saying "Where's the boy?".


Ghost Adventures S01E08

I hate to say it, but these guys are getting some very good results from their dangerous actions.


In this episode, they went to a famous abandoned insane asylum that's been in the magazine "Weird New Jersey" a few times.


The evidence was pretty nice. Laying down on a metal slab inside a morgue vault, one of the guys had bumps going on, even though the other two were upstairs investigating. Then his recorder caught what sounded like the word "die".


After he freaked out (they guys locked him in!) and being retrieved (which was complicated by the doors upstairs locking themselves lol), an orb was caught zipping past him, hovering a moment, then shooting over to his face, at which point he felt a slap and his face had turned red at that spot, slightly swelling.


Likewise, caught on film was a moment where an orb zips up behind Zach, hits his arm, AND is simultaneously caught with a shadow of a human hand on the wall coming off of his own shadow.

Of course he freaked out thinking that one of the other two had touched his hand, but the cams showed NO ONE was moving at the time.


A decent sound of a female was caught in one room, though they said it sounded like singing it could also have been moaning.


These three guys do things very dangerously, but dang it... it's working.

They elaborated in this episode on why they do things the way they do... for emotional output. they "act the part", putting themselves into the location they're investigating.



Fear is a strong emotion. It works terribly well in giving the stranger things in life the energy they need to pull tangible stuff off for us to capture.


Although I respect the show a bit now, I'm also (still) watching it like a car race.

Mainly, I KNOW they're going to screw up badly, eventually.

Inevitably, someone's going to wind up getting really hurt.


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The ones I've seen were.


But yeah, the lead guy in Ghost Adventures seems insane to me. He'd almost certainly fake things to keep his paycheck comin'.


Then again, some of the captures couldn't be faked in real-time.

Editing software, yeah, but...

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Sounds interesting, and I pretty much only watch those shows for the entertainment factor versus caring if it's real or not. I've had my share of odd experiences when it comes to such things, but all of these odd experiences will always have some logical form of explanation as "ghosts" are generally ruled out from the beginning.


Still, the shows are interesting and fun to watch.

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To me, the fact that such shows are airing (news to me, BTW) is just a sign of the times. There looks to be an rise of interest in the unexplained. :alien:


<o> <o>

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Ghost Adventures S01E07 (series 1, episode 7)

Edinburgh, Scotland


Well that was decent lol.

They went to the infamous tunnels underneath the city and caught some fun stuff.


Nick was getting fingertips trailing the side of his head. When they whipped out the EMF meter to see if whatever it was was still there, it shot up to 20, at which point Nick also got a push to the head as Zack got a touch to his arm.


A few disembodied voices were caught, nothing terribly negligible. Though they did catch the voice of a child where they were "supposed" to expect one... where minutes earlier a static nightvision cam had caught a teddybear they placed on the ground swivel to the right as if someone unsuccessfully tried to move it.


For 6 minutes they caught a shuffling sound. The thing that makes me wonder is if it could've been a sound from activity above somewhere, even though they were technically four stories underground. Even cars driving overhead wouldn't have their sound be so prominent that deep down.

Keep in mind too it was the middle of the night as well as being a "dragging" sound.


The best part of this show, as always, is when Zak loses it and freaks out like a little girl.

This episode was no exception.


He stayed alone in a room while Nick and Aaron went off exploring.

Supposedly, a (physically violent) spirit of some guy called "Mister Boots" inhabited that area.


Well, Zack's there calling him out, cursing at him, reciting his crime against a lady of the night etc... and when a loud scratch went up the wall next to him he jammed his body up against the wall kicking his legs like he was being eaten by a shark lol.


THAT'S entertainment, watching guys acting tough turn into wussbags.


The remainder of his time in there was feeling terrible as burst after burst of cold energy was slamming him. NICE.


The thing that continues to bug me about this show is that they take their own sweet time setting up the static cams. They practically go through a whole location first before returning to whatever the home base is and THEN setting up cams.


But then again, their static cams often get amazing things, so maybe their method of feeling out the hotspots for themselves and not just on the advice of guides during a walkthrough is a sound protocol.

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Ghost Hunters - S04E27 - Spirits on the Water


TAPS went to the Maritime Museum of San Diego to investigate the oldest active ship in the world, the star of India, and her slip mate, the Berkeley.


Well, they pretty much didn't get JACK on The Berkeley, save for the all too common disembodied footsteps. They did however find that the EMFs were HIGH up over the limit where a human's brain can withstand before eerie feelings, hearing sounds, nausea and hallucinations set in. A power system running through the place had the meter hitting up around the 200 area!


The Star of India was much better though. The footsteps there were pretty rampant, you had an EVP saying what very much sounded like, "Get off my ship" and there were a few unexplained, moving images on the thermal cam.


The most tangibly visible thing caught was an object moving by itself on a static cam while no one was around.


Good stuff and a good debunking all in one.


Ghost Adventures - S01E08 - Old Idaho Penitentiary


Well, it seems that either Zak or focus groups feel the same way I do about how fun it is watching him freak out.

In investigating an abandoned Idaho prison, they decided to walk up a nearby mountain to where spectators would look on whenever someone was hung.

The land was FILLED with snakes, and of course the fearless host jumped nine million times and generally made an cool dude out of himself.

In other words, good entertainment lol.


But as usual, they got good evidence while there.


The usual EVPs and LOUD door slams were present. Better though, a black mist coming from behind Zack, right as he felt something moving on his arm. The night vision camera that caught it was set to snap a pic every 60 seconds.

Who knows what might have been caught had it been a motion cam. I never really thought about it before, but I'm not sure WHY one would use a still instead of a videocam... unless they'd already stretched their motion cams out too thin and that's what was left at one's disposal.


In any case, it worked.




Just as Ghost Hunters occasionally tries out new tech (like the awesome, multi-spectrum still cam used by one of their international crew) so did these guys.

Only... they took a TV set and aimed a videocam at the screen from just 3 or so feet away.

After provoking / asking something to come out, some people find it captures entities that do as asked... walking over to the equipment.


Again, it worked.




For just a few frames what certainly appears to be a body with a stretched head (well, the guy WAS hung there) stuck around, breaking into the otherwise completely static-filled screen. Not exactly something that'd be there without a little help.

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They had some great results at the New Jersey Hospital and Edinburgh Vaults.


Especially with the nurse saying hello in clear sound. And the teddy bear.



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Ghost Hunters - S04E28 - Portsmouth Harbour Lighthouse


TAPS checks out a lighthouse that's still in service. While not catching anything visual, the audio was there in decent quantity.

Multiple times the sound of someone walking up the stairs was heard.

When asked to "come closer", the girls got freaked out as it was doing just that.

Between the data collected by the girls and what Jay and Grant went through, I get the impression that it might have been "hard" for whatever it was to finish it's ascent up the stairs and stop at the platform they sat at.


The thing wasn't shy, so it'd have had no reason to not come up close.


At one point Grant said, "What is it with lighthouses?!?"

Reason being, they ALWAYS get great stuff going on in them.



The answer is simple... I'm pretty sure it's the materials they're constructed with and the spiral pattern of tons of metal.

Brick, limestone, etc seem to be great containment for odd things.

Metal is a good conductor too.

And, well, ghosts are entities of energy.


So here you've got this hunk of metal that probably makes utilizing energy really easy.

Electricity, energy, whatever is all the way up in the air, many feet above the ground. It's like the difference between pouring a bucket of water off a building or forcing it through a straw.

That's my theory, and I'm stickin' to it.

: p


One of the girls did that tune "Shave and a haircut", which goes, "bump-dada-bump-bump, bump bump".

Jay also used this before and got results. she asked for the entity to finish the tune, going bump-dada-bump-bump... followed soon after by BUMP-BUMP.


Likewise, she asked the entity to emulate what she did, knocking on the wall 3 times, which it did exactly seconds later.


When entering a smaller structure nearby, no sooner had Jay and Grant opened the door than another door inside SLAMMED.

At first I thought, "Duh, hello? That's air pressure from opening the front door."

But that doesn't quite make sense... A vacuum of a door opening from the outside would OPEN a door, not slam it shut.


A few voices were talking on the audio, but were too muffled to make out.

The guys DID have a woman's voice laugh as they were coming up from the basement.


All in all, it was a little "meh", but not too shabby either. It's the season finale... I think Ghost Hunters International starts up probably some time after Jan. 1st.

Hope they still have the full-spectrum cam in use, as they had glorious (and scary) images caught on it last season... which makes me wonder why the US TAPS crew isn't seen walking around with them. Odd...


Haven't seen Ghost Adventures episode 9 yet. Will update as soon as I get it.

(Actually, I'm not even sure there was an episode this week. They might have only made 8 episodes (plus the SciFi channel special) for this year).

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